Saturday, December 31, 2005
Graduation Night
Woohoo! Yesterday was my graduation night aka prom night. Held at Suntec City Ballroom, it was the biggest event on most students' calendar. The night where everyone dress up for the event and suddenly, the geek in your class become one of the most handsome guys around. Bet you didn't realise that when he was in uniform and wearing that big squared spectacles right? Than the girl you have a crush on turn up in a stunning gown that makes you lose your senses? Yes, yesterday was the night all these happened.
From my observation, other than some really typical fashion disasters, the guys generally turn up in blazer/jacket, long sleeve shirt and jeans/pants. Stylists may say that it the most common way of dressing up for events like prom, but hey, it is definitely the most safest outfit. For girls, the general trend was gowns. Other than less than 10 who turn up in pants, all worn gowns. Every girl look stunning in gowns, really. The most daring gown i saw was a bare-back gown. Not exactly bare-back but there are only 4 lines of fabric passing through her back. Tube-top gowns are popular. Spaghetti-top gowns are next in line. Colour-wise, too many to recount. But my conclusion is that, yesterday night everyone had a transformation. Everyone look stunning and beautiful in their outfits.
Um, about transformation, to me, I had this general conclusion. The girls who steal most of the attention are not those who are already beautiful. Those who are already considered beautiful turned up in nice gowns and they look nice. But those hidden beauties... in school, they are just your typical plain jane. But once they dress up, you never know they look so pretty. The make-up, the outfit, the impression they gave to others, they simply overshadow the first type of girls I mentioned.
About the food, it was excellent. Very nice and ya, simply nice. The service by the waiters and waitresses was also excellent. We are constantly moving around taking pics and talking to friends, resulting in some times, the table was empty while the food was served. The waiters and waitresses were nice enough to divide the food equally and serve it on our plates so that when we return, the food is already there. Than, they would always ensure that we are hydrated by constantly refilling our drinks. One more thing is that the plates would be changed once the food on it is finished as i believe they do not want to remains of the current food to mix with the next one. This is something i appreciate. I am sure that i do not want the remains of the fish from the last dish to interfere with the chicken of the current dish. One last thing i admire is that the paitence they have, really. Most of us are walking around taking pictures and jamming up all the small walkways they need to use to transport the food. In spite of this, i never heard any complaints from them. Cheers to all the waiters and waitresses.
Overall, yesterday was great and i enjoyed myself. Did some catching up with some friends. However, from today onwards, we will be going on our own ways and it will take a miracle to gather all of us again. I am starting to miss them now and the times we use to spend in the school, be it mugging for exams or talking rubbish or just saying hi, bye. Damm, why must tears well up in my eyes now?
Oh, some pics i took. Hee. All the girls featured are very pretty one hor. Haha.

That is me and Yi Qiao, my classmate.

Me and Prom Queen, Valerie, before she won the title.

Miss Loon, my Chem tutor. Oh, i do miss her lessons. Haha

My pal, Yong Hui. He reported for NS le... Commando Camp.

Elvis! Damm, forget to ask for autograph.

My gang and I.
Didn't take much actually. Was talking more. Haha.
All those memories... one day, i might just cry while seeing all these pictures.
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:31 PM
Friday, December 30, 2005
First Day
Okay, i know if you have been following my entries, this is my second day. But i was too tired yesterday to do any typing. So here goes.
Yesterday i woke up at a damm time. 5.30am! Oh my goodness, this remind of me of my secondary school days where i woke up at 5.30am. But hey! During my JC time, i woke up at 6.30am ya? My bio clock changed even drastically after my "A" level exams. Telling me to change it back to waking up at 5.30am need motivation. Money is enough to motivate me. Maybe a girl with the looks of Naomi Watts and the figure of Angeline Jolie will be a excellent motivation.
Luckily, the company provide transport. But asking me to wait for the bus at 6.30am in the morning? Come on! What is worse is that it drop us off at the factory at... 7am! Come on! I start work at 7.30am. What you want me to do for the half an hour? Sleep? Too short a duration. Walk around. With all those doors leading to don't know where, i prefer to stay in the canteen and stoned. I don't want to get killed by those machines or needles which may be flying around. At least let me die without looking like someone who are having an acupuncture session.
Um, so at 7.30am, i proceed to the locker to put my things and put on
1) Safety goggles
2) Ear plugs
3) Hair net
4) Jumpsuit
5) Boots
6) Gloves
in that order.
On the first day, we had a briefing session by my superviser on this thing called Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP). The GMP is followed by factories worldwide and no, i am not going to tell you the details. I forget about it anyway. About why everyone must put on that 5 things above, reasons being is we are in a "cleanroom". In the "cleanroom", needles and syringes are manufactured and assembled. Oh, as the name imply, everyone must also wash their hands before entering. Don't ask me why. It is part of the procedures. However, the "cleanroom" isn't very clean. It is just a normal air-con room. Wonder why they name it "cleanroom" in the first place. Oh, do not worry about the needles that those docs inject in you. They are SAFE. From my description, they look contamined. BUT, they are sterilised once they are assembled and the sterilisation are done outside the "cleanroom". Oh, i also learn from the briefing about the different kinds of needles and some of their characteristics. I also learn how to check for their expiry date. Yes, needles have expiry dates. There are some other things i learned from the briefing but i am trying to recall. Will update if i can recall.
Anyway, back to my job. Before putting those needles into the machines for packaging, they have to be checked first. That means, the shield covering the needles have to be tight. After the machine have "installed" the shield, they are collected in plastic bags. The machine just "install" the shields, they don't care tight or not. My job is to take the needles out from the plastic bag, ensure the shields are tight and transfer them to another plastic bag. If i found out that the needle has no shield, i have to separate them out. Sounds simple? Nahz, when you have 18,000 needles in one bag and you risk being pokes by those "shieldless" needles and you have to check them one by one.
Okay, that is my job. I hope to find another job by end of January if not i will die of boredom and my fingers may be full of man-made pores. I tell you, the needles are damm sharp and the wound they make is damm small. Oh, i applied for a half-day leave on the second day of my job, which is today. Cool huh? All thanks to my sister who works in BD HR department. Thanks sis!
Oh, tonight is my JC Graduation Night. Will upload pics if i can. Oh no, i am going to be late...
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:09 PM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Okay, i got a job. For now. No, it is not the SPH job. It is a factory job. The factory is opened by
BD(Becton, Dickinson and Company), which my elder sister is working in as a HR executive. For your info, BD produce needle syringe which most, if not all, clinics and hospitals in Singapore is using. It is also one of the largest needle syringe producer in the world.

My sister give me quite complicated details of the job. So i can only know and understand everything when i report for work tomorrow. But so far, the only thing i know is that the working hours is 5 days a week, 7.45am to 4.45pm and pay is $5 per hour. Not bad la. Don't complain can liao. Haha
I am considering to enroll myself for singing courses at
TheArk next year. Also in my consideration is a guitar course which is 3 months long. Due to some reason, i got a voucher which states that the first month is free! Woohoo! So ya, next year January, i will be busy with work, singing and playing guitar. Cool. Better than killing myself in NS. Haha.
Hmmm, today is kind of sian because i got a cold earlier in the morning and it just won't go away. Right now as I am typing this entry, i am holding a tissue in case i sneeze. Thank goodness i am using my sister's house computer. Sorry sis. Will help you wipe the keyboard next time. Haha.
Oh, got a haircut too and yes i love my new hairstyle. Totally, simply love it.
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:55 PM
Another Interview Aftermath
Just settled down after a long day out. Um, today's interview was okay... I presume. But the events before it was damm dramatic.
The interview is at 3pm at SPH News Centre. A while back, they sent an email to my inbox telling me the location and attach a application form with it. However, being the stupid guy i always am, i comfortably assumed the News Centre is at Genting Lane, which is inside an industrial park. So i happily ignored the map they sent me and search online
Street Directory for directions. Yes, the online
Street Directory was excellent in giving me the clear direction to get to SPH.
However, when i reached there at 3.10pm, one big terrible news struck me. Being late is not the main issue here, though i should not be late, but but but, the SPH at Genting Lane is...
not the News Centre! The SPH centre at Genting Lane is for the magazines department. Magazines that comes from SPH include
Her World and
Seventeen. I only realised my mistake after asking the security guard. Aargh! It was 3.15pm and i am fifteen minutes late and a big distance away from SPH News Centre. So quickly, i ran out and luckily, a vacant taxi happened to pass by and i reached SPH News Centre at 3.35pm. So ya, i am 35 minutes late. Cool huh?
There are 3 other candidates in the conference room when i entered and surprisingly, all are from my school, JJC! Woah! I quickly explained my situation to two ladies who are the the interviewer and luckily, they were kind enough. Can't thank them enough.
Both of the interviewers continue their briefing and ya, i pick up the briefing halfway. But the half briefing was enough to answer my questions. Pay is $6 per hour, work from 9am to 2pm. The job is to promote Career Guide 2006, which is a book, to students. That means we will have roadshows at various schools. 5 days a week and no work during public holidays. The stint is quite short though. From 18th of Jan to end of Feb. But nevermind, at least i have a job, if i am accepted, for one and a half month. Will continue scouting... maybe will just get a factory job ba.
From today, i learned that
1) If you are visting a place for the first time, try to leave home earlier. If you reach the correct place and you are early, it is better than to be late. If you reach the wrong place, at least you still have time to make your way to the correct place.
2) There are two SPH buildings in Singapore. The first one is at Genting Lane, which is inside an industrial park. The other one is at Toa Payoh Industrial Estate.
3) If you are using online
Street Directory, after you have searched for the place you want to go, unless the search result shows only one result, do look through all the search results. The place you are going may not be the first one on the list.
On a side note, to show that i am even stupider, i visited SPH News Centre before. It was last year August for a talk. Oh my goodness... no wonder when the taxi approached the News Centre, i felt so familiar. Damm, i am stupid. Yes i am.
After the interview, there was a downpour and i have no umbrella. So no choice but to take shelter inside the News Centre. Luckily it stop after a while. So i went over to PC for evening gongyo and perform my Taiko duty. After that i was dragged by Eileen to... of all place, Marina Bay! Yes, another BBQ buffet dinner. But this time, we managed to find seats at Zhen Huat and all i could say it is nicer and better than Chong Bang. The variety of food is better than Chong Bang. Quality wise, still okay la. Not much difference between Chong Bang and Zhen Huat. Oh, don't worry, my throat become better as the day progressed and it is still okay now. The good thing about Zhen Huat is that it offered live prawns and boy, it created a commotion at out table today. Normally, the live prawns hardly move, even though it is still alive. But today, don't know why, the prawns are hyper active, especially the ones given to us. When we open the lid(it is put in plastic boxes), one of them jump out and sharing a table with four girls, you should know what happened. Even worse is when we put the prawns on the hotplate, two of them jump out again. Woah, another painful moment for my ears. But luckily, the other prawns are not hyper active and my ears are saved. But i do feel kind of sad and cruel when i saw the prawns legs wriggling and struggling desperately on the hotplate. Woah, i just could not bring myself to see the prawns while they are being cooked.
Yup, that should be all for today. An eventful and definitely an dramatic day.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:02 AM
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
SPH's Interview
Um, i am like less than 4 hours away from the SPH interview for a job.

Wish me luck.
SPH man... the media of Singapore. Haha
Oh, one thing, throat not feeling too well after the BBQ buffet dinner with friends at Marina Bay yesterday. We dscided to eat at Chong Bang since Zhen Huat was full. The food was not bad, quite nice and the variety okay la.
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:39 AM
Sunday, December 25, 2005
King Kong
Woohoo! Just back from watching King Kong.

Have a lot of
F-words for it. No, not that
F-word, but rather, the following
Yes, the movie is simply marvellous, if not excellent. The effects, the emotions, the fight between Kong and that T-Rex, it is all... excellent is an understatment here. Peter Jackson has outdone himself again. Although it is 3 hours long, which is a test of bladder capacity though, the movie is not at any minute boring or redundant. It seems that the time is just right, not too long nor too short, just right.
There are many favourite scenes in the movie. The fight between Kong and that T-Rex(by the way, i feel kid of pity for the T-Rex. Its death is um... horrible?), Kong standing on top of Empire State Building and beating his chest, the excellent scenary of Skull Island... all these are simply fantastic. The movie is very smooth, no hiccups or whatsoever and really, the emotions of the actors and actress(no es la, only one mah) is really what make the movie so excellent and different from other movies. About effects, eh... why must normal creatures like bats, cockroaches and scorpions living in Skull Island become at least 10 times bigger? Really, it is disgusting and... eeeeeee. Especially when the actors have to fight them off and Ann(Naomi Watts) having to fight off a centipede which is making his way around her body. Everyone say with me: Eeeeeee.
One more thing is that the movie did mention our little island's name a few times. Yesh, that is right.
Singapore is mentioned. I am very sure Peter Jackson did his research on the geography of South-East Asia(SEA). Places like Yangon and Sumatra was mentioned. BUT, this is the first time i heard Skull Island is in SEA. Cool. So right here in SEA, we have this little island who once have Kong and those digusting creatures who are at least 10 times bigger compared to their descendants as its inhabitants. Thanks goodness Kong killed most, if not all of the T-Rex before he left. Cannot imagine what will happen if T-Rex acquired the skill of swimming. Gosh, i do not wish to die while doing my business in the toilet. (There is a scene in Jurassic Park where a person was eaten by T-Rex while doing his business in the toilet.)
From this movie, really, the emotions are all that matters. The greed of humans for fame and money normally drives us to do things which harm innocent animals. No matter how much they try to avoid us or try to harm us in order to scare us away, we humans just can't keep our hands to ourselves and must take something from them or take them away from their natural habitats and use them, no, exploit them for our benefits. It is telling everyone that greed can make one become evil. We have to control our desires and be happy with what we have and not let greed take over our heads.
But than of course, it also remind us that even animals have feelings like us and they know how to love. Love is not confined within anything. Love is all around and anything have the ability to love and thry yearned too to be loved. So do go and reflect on whether harming animals is the way to go or loving them is the way to go. Of course, i am not asking you to go and live in the zoo or the wild, but do show your concerns to animals as you would to other fellow humans. Animals do need love and trust me, they will appreciate it whole-heartedly.
Tears were actually trying to from in my eyes. Yes, i am really touched by the last part of the movie. The love Kong had for Ann(Naomi Watts) is simply touching. Let me see the show once more and i bet i will definitely cry.
Rating: 9.5/10
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:33 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Lost In Translation
Bored that i have nothing to do and go for the weekend, i went down to
CineNow and rent a movie, Lost In Translation.

All i could say that it is not something typical of movies nowadays. It is not an action flick nor is it a love story. It is those movies that comes once in a blue moon and really, it is what movies should be all about.
According to the movie website, the synopsis of the movie:
Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) are two Americans in Tokyo. Bob is a movie star in town to shoot a whiskey commercial, while Charlotte is a young woman tagging along with her workaholic photographer husband (Giovanni Ribisi). Unable to sleep, Bob and Charlotte cross paths one night in the luxury hotel bar. This chance meeting soon becomes a surprising friendship. Charlotte and Bob venture through Tokyo, having often hilarious encounters with its citizens, and ultimately discover a new belief in life's possibilities.Shot entirely on location in Japan, Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation is a valentine to the nature of close friendships and to the city of Tokyo. Ms. Coppola's film, from her original screenplay, contemplates the unexpected connections we make that might not last - yet stay with us forever.My thought on this movie is that is is pure magicial. The plot is good and it is trying to convey lots and lots of messages. One message is how sometimes, man is lonely, even if you have kids and a happy family and wonderful communication tools, when you are in a foreign land. Another message is that the relationship between a man and a woman may not necessarily be love, but just friends. There are some other messages but it is rather difficult for me to put into words here. But one thing is that this movie celebrates the joys of friendship and how precious it is. Of course not forgetting the wonderful scenary of Tokyo, Japan.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:44 PM
Friday, December 23, 2005
New Additions
Woohoo! I added one new feature. That is...
A clock!
Haha. Cool eh? Now you can know the time while reading my blog so you won't be late for your appointments, toilet breaks etc etc.
Hmmm... however, i am also looking for a calendar. You know, where you can find which day i posted what complaints or rubbish just by clicking on that day. But it seems that only WordPress provided this service and it seems like WordPress is... um... better? But than again, i am kind of lazy to change now, especially now that i just finished some major renovations. Don't worry Blogspot, you still have me here with you. Haha. Sorry WordPress, maybe next year eh?
Okay, my stomach is protesting now. Going to have some lunch now...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:40 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Nephew and Niece
Today must be a special day. For the first
time in history, when my eight-month old nephew saw his 3 months younger cousin, he did not cry.
Yes, that may seem normal to you but that is big news to me and my family.
Before today, everytime my nephew saw my niece and my brother and sister-in-law(my niece's parents), he would cry like... the sky has fallen on him. Maybe it is jealousy or maybe he is not comfortable with strangers around. But one thing for sure is that he would never fail to cry.
Today, when i opened the door and when my cute nephew looked up and saw his cousin, the first reaction from him is... nothing. He just stare, stare and keep on staring until-for the first time with his cousin around-he smile. Wow! Today must be a special special day. Haha
And when you put both of them together, wahahaha, it is simply the most wonderful thing. What you see is two young babies displaying the best of innocence. The curiousity of each other and the way they explore toys together... wow... cute is an understatment here. Innocence is the best word maybe. I don't know how to describe but really, i could only feel nothing but innocence from them.
However, my little nephew just can't keep his hand to himself. He stretch out his small hand, reach over to his cousin and begin to...
PULL her hair!
Wah, bad nephew. We carry him away immediately and yes, gave him a little spanking. But overall the atmosphere is a happy one. Both babies play happily and we are just glad our nephew is not jealous of his cousin anymore. The most important thing is that both can get along together.
Oh, today is the release of the NKF report, around 300 or 400 pages i think. Not too interested in reading the newspapers though. To me, TT Durai is definitely not a very smart person, maybe bordering the line of stupidity(Mr Durai, if you are reading this, suing me is no use as i am a nobody and at most you will get a public apology from me. No money compensation though as my allowances is nothing compared to your "peanuts" salary). Come on, of all organisations to sue, SPH!? They are the media in Singapore and no one tell you not to mess with the media?? And furthermore, by all common sense, in all courtrooms, we all know that nothing but the truth is to be revealed. So, sorry dude, all your skeletons in your whatever gold-plated closets are to be dug out and revealed to the world. Come on, if you have a BIG secret to keep, shut the fuck up man. Messing with SPH is something that a sensible person would not do. Oh, about NKF, i feel sorry man. While the workers are slogging their guts out and the Mediacrop artists risking their lifes(hey, i still want to see them in the goggle box, not in some rectangular box, okay?) to raise funds for the needy, only $0.10 out of $1 is given to them? What the hell are you thinking man, Mr Durai? Are you the needy person here? Come on, to think you are the CEO of a CHARITY organisation, all your compassion is replaced by greed? I seriously seriously doubt your character.
Forget about him le! The more i type i more angry i get. Hope the new NKF is better and at least $0.80 out of every $1 is given to the paitents.
Speaking about SPH, i will be visiting them for a interview for a job. Cool.
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:09 PM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Okay, finally able to take time off playing Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction to post this entry. Been free this days and so... never know old games are still so fun to play. Oh, if you have been reading my blog, i am sad to say i fail the interview for the CNB thingy and did not land myself that job. Oh well, looks like i am not fated with that job. Haha. Nevermind than, shall continue looking.
Been spending these few days cleaning the house. Yes, cleaning the house. No, not just packing my room but really wiping the walls, pipes and sweeping and moping the floor. No, i do not enjoy all thses at all, not a tiny little bit. Yes, i was a forced and free labour. But hey, the house is cleaner due to me.
*smile proudly, wave hands*
Okay, maybe i was too proud.
*smile proudly*
Anyway, yes i have been cleaning the house. Was helping my mum out. Don't think that cleaning is a simple job. It is damm hard work and damm tiring. After cleaning an area of a rather large suface area wall in the kitchen, my arms was like complaining to me and threatened to quit. Woah! Bet you never expect cleaning walls to be so tiring. I mean, you have to climb up a ladder to clean the top of the wall, than raise your arms and enaging them in continuous motion for a long period of time and climb down again and do repeat the procedures one more time. Woah! After one whole day i just want to lie down and not move at all. And imagine this will last for days. While typing this entry, i am taking a small break from wiping the windows. Now i really appreciate those cleaners in the streets and those who work in the cleaning industries. We should really salute them.
So next time, DO NOT LITTER! And kindly dispose your rubbish in the bin, even if the nearest one is 50m away from you. Come on, walking 50m is chicken feet to you but to those cleaners, one less rubbish for them to pick up means they will be less tired. Spare a thought for them ya?
Enough of my preaching. Went for the SuperHost recording at MDC yesterday. Woah! Very nice wor. Haha. I mean the contestants and the contents. Lolz. It was the guys episode's slated to broadcast today at 8pm at Channel U. Eh, i won't said much here. Haha. Coz what we see live at MDC is basically what you will see later, save for some NGs. Ya, but it was really very funny! This time, they had to introduce a "piece" of art. Heez. Look out for the contestants' reactions when they saw the art "piece". It is really very funny. Hahaha.
Oh ya, the reason i am there is to support Lee Teng and Wei Xiong. Both are once part-time DJs with Yes 933. Both are damm good in talking and yes, they are both quite handsome and tall. About their results yesterday, in the professional ranking, Lee Teng got 2nd with 91.7 points and Wei Xiong got 88.8 points and coming in at 4th position. Oh, got their signatures too. Heez.
Okay, back to cleaning the house...
Wait, this is what my mum told me.
Mum: Ah Kai, after cleaning the windows, take down the lights and wash and polish the furnitures.
Someone save me!
link | Kaiz scribble at 3:31 PM
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Nothing much since the last entry. Stop thinking about the S-Plan thingy le.
Anyway, just finished watching Kung Fu Hustle. Yes, i know. That movie was released long time ago. But don't have time to catch it while it was showing. So just managed to squeeze out the time to put the disc into my player and sit down and watch just now.

Been a while since i saw Stephen Chow(Xing Ye) shows. Love his shows since young. Kung Fu Hustle really did not disappoint me. Although "Matrix" style camera tricks are used, it is a total different experience. Some Hollywood movies after Matrix trilogy used, no, copy the camera tricks used in Matrix, Xing Ye adapted it to suit his style and that is one well done job.
I especially love the way he combined it with things you would see from cartoons. One scene show he was running away from the Bao Zhu Po. Both run so fast that you see a circle instead of their lower body. Kind of reminded me of Roadrunner. I believe he was trying to add in the "unrealistic" element from cartoons into the movie. All i could say was that he succeeded brilliantly.
Plot wise, although simple but still wonderful. I love the part about Xing Ye's relationship. The whole part of it... simply... marvellous. The undying devotion the girl had for Xing Ye is simply something I really admire.
Okay, shall end my comments here. Do catch the movie if you have not. Get the ORIGINAL VCD or DVD and sit down and watch. It is worth it.
Rating: 4/5 stars.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:37 AM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
S-Plan By Yes 933FM
Haiz. This is one topic I do not really want to touch on it until now.
Before starting, I must thank this guy by the name of Wong Sze Wei Jeremiah 黄志伟. Will tell you why he is important in this saga later on.
Not too long ago, while happily listening to Yes 933, there is this very cute ad that is advertising the S-Plan course by Yes 933 that will teach students between the ages of 14 to 20 about the things behind radio broadcast, like conducting interviews, hosting, podcast and some other interesting stuffs.
Cute word is used because i really like the ad and it is really cute. Haha.
So happily, I log on to Yes 933FM official website and registered myself after hearing the ad. So i wait, wait, wait and still wait until the date for the course draws near. The course is from 12th of dec to 15th dec. But i still have not received a call from Yes 933. I began to worry and my fears were realised when Jia Hui said in her Xian Ge Ji Yi programme on 8th Dec.
Those who registered with Yes 933 for the S-Plan course and have send in the cheques will receive calls soon.
What cheques? I did not receive any call or email to send in any cheques. I began to worry and panicked like an ant on a hot plate. I tried to call in to Yes 933 but no luck. I messaged to the DJs on duty but also no luck. I tried all the ways i could think of but no luck.
By sunday, the day before the course, it dawns on me that I...
Did not make it for the course.I accepted this cold hard fact. Not peacefully but with a great sense of anger. I kept thinking why? Why? Why? Why was i not accepted? I kept thinking and thinking throughout the whole day and my mood was a record all time low.
My dream is to be a DJ. I love music and i really enjoyed the joy of sharing good songs with everyone. Not only that, it is a form of servicing people. When people are bored, they can call in and have a chat with the DJ. Who knows they might be feeling down but after the chat and some encouraging words, the person will feel better? And not forgetting reading out SMSes. The SMSes always carried with them messges for a specific person or for a group. The person may just cheer up after hearing the message specially for them.
By monday, i have settled down and tried to forget about it. But for these 3 days, everytime when 6pm is diplayed on the clock, my mind would wander off and i would think of the things that is happening over at Yes 933 studio. Are the students settled down? Are they absorbing what is being taught? All these thoughts would just flash through my mind and my mood would be at another all time low.
Than, at 11.30pm on 14th Dec 2005, I opened my Mozilla Firfox browser and log in to My Yahoo. Over at PFFC yahoo group, i saw this message that solved all my doubts.
志伟 posted a message saying about the S-Plan course. He was in the same situation as me a few days ago but he still managed to get on the course. I shall condense the message here.
According to the staff at Yes 933, the response for the S-Plan is very de good. So good that even though people have sent in cheques, the staff have to return it. It is believed that within a few hours of opening the application to the public, the course vacancies are all filled up. So the reasons i did not make it is:1. By the time you successful registered, more than 55 people (current class size) has beat u to it.2. Or internal miscommunications.3. You successfully registered, but did not send the cheque (or did not know how or that you need to send check).I belong to the first or second reason.
Well, to 志伟, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
I am now able to put this matter to rest. I am sad. Yes i am. No, tissues is not needed. Thank you.
Okay. It is a fact i did not make it for the course. But hey, there is still hope. The last line of his message:
According to LeeTeng, there'll be another class next March, n those who have successfully registered this time, but did not get in, will have priority for the March course.Hope i can make it for the march one. *Pray sincerely*
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:59 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The aftermath...
Okay, just woke up from my little nap, courtesy of my nephew's cries.
Hmm, today's interview was okay. A total of 11 people competing for 5 to 6 places. Well, there are 4 department requiring temporary staff. One was this Research department. Mainly doing data entry, verifying hardcopy data with the soft copy one and rectifying is there is any mismatch. Than do some research on
drugs. Ya.
Drugs. How? By looking out and cutting out drug-related articles from newspaper and also through the Internet.
The other 2 departments are quite similar to the first one, except one is dealing with data entry(again!) and shipping stuff. Um, From the interviewer's description, the rough idea is doing filing for shipping companies. I don't know why CNB is involved in shipping, but ya, that is the rough idea i got. The other one is PURELY data entry. Full stop.
Now the last one is special. No data entry. No filing for any shipping companies.
Um, let see whether you can guess what department it is. It holds activites reguarly for the public, mostly students. Activites include dance competition, banner designing competition. The theme behind all these competition is "A drug -free Singapore". This department also conduct roadshows teaching the public about how harmful drugs is and why we should avoid it and the penalties of having drugs with you.
Got it got it?
Yes, it is the Preventive Education Department.
So ya, here goes some details of the interview. Oh, did i mention about the gruelling time i had?
Imagine, i am the tenth person to be interviewed. But the wait is VERY long. VERY LONG. There was this anixety and fear of the unknown. Butterflies in your stomach is not enough to describe the fear as more and more people complete the interview. Shall stop here before i start to come up with more horrible description. But the bottomline is that the wait is nerve-wrecking.
Finally, it is my turn. Okay, i was interviewed by a panel. "Damm" i thought to myself. I hate panel of interviewers. Cause the last time i encountered a panel for a interview, i failed it. And guess what, it is for the Youth Flying Club, the club i desperately wanted to get in.
Anyway, i still have to face the panel. Whether i like it or not. So ya, the interview go on, they asked me questions and i answered to the best i can(hopefully). The panel consist of 5 women. Horrible. Kind of make me feel that i am facing 5 teachers. Lolz.
But, on the bright side, the person in charge of the Preventive Education was kind of beautiful. Heez.
Oh, just remembered, i will be staying over at my friend's house for the night. He is going back to China tomorrow, morning flight. So a little gathering i guess before sending him off.
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:13 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Okay, nothing much happened during few days. Spent my time slacking and taking care of my nephew.
But tomorrow will be one busy day. Got an interview scheduled at 9am at CNB(Central Narcotics Bureau).

Why? Apply job lor. Heez. The title very nice one
Temporary Corporate Support Officer.
Cool huh? Ya. So wish me luck. Heez.
But they said attire must be
formal for interview
Formal? Long sleeve shirt with pants and black leather shoes? Wah kao...
Than later in the evening got a meeting with my religion friends for the General Youth Meeting that is on 26th Dec 2006. One thing to take note is that it is held at Paragon, 8th level. Huh? Held at a office
leh. Not that i am complaining but...
I will be visiting two "office kind" places tomorrow. Coincidence? Nahz.
On the bright side, it will be a cool experience. I mean, how often do you get to visit "office kind" places but not going there for work? Go there look see look see. Haha
Okay, that should be all for now. Got to watch the time carefully. All because i have to
Tune in to Yes 933 for Ni Ke Si De Cheng Bao hosted by Pei Fen.
Watch the repeat telecast of "Superfunkies".
Prepare to sleep.
So good night guys! Sweet dreamz!
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:44 PM
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Woo. Finally back home and able to sit down. Been standing on the MRT trip home.
Okay, as the name suggest, i just went to a pub. No, not clubbing. P...U...B. PUB.
It is my first time to a pub and this pub by the name of Caesar got my first time. Hahaha.
It was a typical pub, nothing intersting. Went there to look see look see ba. Just sit down and have a chat with friends while watching others play pool. Oh my, they are very good! Especially the ang mohs. There is one who won at least 4 rounds consecutively. When can i be like him? *Daydream*
Anyway, i tried out some new drinks. I cannot remember what my drink's name was but it was quite nice. You know you will experience some initial flavour before the effect of alcohol hit your throat(where your throat will experience an acute dryness)? Got it got it? Mine was not sweet but it resemble lime flavoured drink. Than there this drink by the name of Snowball. It appears to be creamy in colour and all i could describe is that it is rather sweet and maybe a tiny bit of milk flavour.
Hmmm, there goes my first experience of going to a pub. Will patronise more pubs in the future since i am of legal age. Heez. :P Than maybe do a comparison and not forgetting trying out clubbing. Don't know which lucky club will get my first time. Haha.
Oh my, my eyelids are getting heavy, very heavy, super heavy...
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:31 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Major upgrading
Okay, the revamp is 80% plus done. Added some pictures. Thanks ImageShack for the free hosting. Added a tagboard too. Feel free to tag!!
Will continue looking around before announcing the completion of renovations of my blog.
Oh, to people who wanted to put a link in my blog to theirs, feel free to do so. Just post your blog address at the tag board and i will see to it asap.
Did you notice the Bugs Bunny picture on your right? Yes, that is Bugs and Lola, a screenshot taken from the movie, Space Jam. I love the movie!! Love Bugs Bunny since young. What's up, doc? A pity that i don have cable tv and that the local tv don't play Bugs Bunny cartoons anymore. Really miss those days where you get to see Bugs tricking the poor hunter.
Oh no, i am getting tired yet there is Oko(one of my religious meeting) later at 7.30pm. Better get some sleep in case i fall asleep on someone's back.
link | Kaiz scribble at 3:45 PM
It is now 0227 in the morning and i have just completed some major renovations to my blog. *Yawns*
I like the banner picture a lot. Always wanted to have a house by the sea and everyday wake up to the beautiful scenery. Of cause, hopefully i can find someone to share it with me.
The revamp is not complete. Still got to edit some stuff and install a tagboard. Not forgetting to set up links too.
But all these can wait. Been sitting in front of the computer for quite a while. Got to take a break or else the world will have one more person wearing specs.
Cannot afford to let it happen. Still want to fullfill my dreams of being a pilot.
Better go now, in case it really happen. Wait a while bed, i am coming.
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:26 AM
Friday, December 09, 2005
A simple one...
Wow, now than i managed to sit down and rest. Became a "free labour" for my mum, moving beds and shelves around the house and not forgetting to look after my nephew.
He is SOOO cute! Haha. However, he... is... super... HYPERACTIVE! Try leaving him in the living room and than walk into your room. Less than 5 minutes later and you will find him crawling into your room and under your feet! And not only that, place anything higher than him in front of him and he will use it to stand. BUT, he have not learn to stand properly yet. Imagine if he slip and fall... oh my goodness. So everyday we have to watch him all the time and boy, it is not something fun.
Maybe i am getting old or is it my nephew? But he seems to be full of energy. For the past few weeks, i have been sleeping at around 2 plus(listening to Yes 933... heez).
However my nephew is still crawling around and laughing! Oh my... and not only that, at around 7am in the morning, he would be crying so hard that it seems like the world is ending just so he can woke up my mother/his grandmother to feed him. Thank you nephew for waking me up in the wee hours.
You may say he take naps in the day mah. Yes he do take naps. But half an hour per naps and less than 5 per day?
Okay, here he goes again, crying as if the sky has fallen.
Wait my boy, wait!
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:35 PM
Wow, finally reach home le. Haha. Been out the whole day busy with...
Went to look for my grad night clothes.
I was successful in geting something sensible for less than S$100! So happy! Thought i would exceed S$150 mark, but hey, i know where to get good bargains ya?
Oh ya, before i rattle on, i got a jacket and a long sleeve top. Pants wise... shall look around first. Shall deciding whether to use my old one(hey, it is still in good shape. Old as in i bought it long ago) or get a new one.
To those still looking for prom/grad night clothes... here are some tips.
1) Decide on what you want to wear first.
2) Plan out your budget first.
3) Do not go to those high end shops like Topman/Topshop etc. Look around in Bugis Street, The Edge and Far East Plaza.
4) Buy clothes that you know you will wear it again and see whether it can apply to other similar occasions in the future. No point buying it and after wearing it once, left it in the cold.
Normally the places i recommend have what you would need for prom/grad night and they are way cheaper than those high-end shops. From accessories to jackets to shoes, you want it, they have it! And they go easy on your pockets too. But remember to look hard though. Some bargains are hidden.
Another tip i have is:
While looking around, shortlist some clothes you
confirm want to buy and remember where the shop is. Than look around the whole area and see whether got other shops that got sell the same or similar clothes to the one you want. Than of course, buy from the shop that sell it at a cheaper price.
I saw 2 tops i wanted to buy but i decided to look around first. It proved to be both a good and bad choice.
Bad choice is because the top i most wanted to buy is the only piece in the area, in this case, Bugis Street. When i returned back to the shop, it was... GONE!!! Aargh! I was so mad and sad. Shall not talk about it anymore or else i will just throw this keyboard out of the window.
Good choice is because the second top i want to buy has two pieces in Bugis Street. The first shop sell it at $39 while there was another shop which sell it at $35. $4 difference! Got to get it straight away or else history will repeat again. Of coz, as a typical Singaporean, a little bargaining won't die right? But, i got to admit, i have LOUSY bargaining skills. Final price? S$33.
Okay, enough about clothes. Although i have the clothes, but i lack... SHOES!
I seriously do not want to buy shoes specially for grad night as i guess i won't be wearing it in the short future. Anyone can help me?
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:23 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I totally forgotten i have a blog... juz remembered after reading some blogs... heez
Okay, from now on, i promise i will revamp this blog and do some updating. Since i have a LONG holiday, i shall try to update as often as possible.
About revamp, will check out some blogs and see how it goes.
Wait for my good news!
Been reading Yes 933 DJ Cruz Teng Blog... well, can only say it is kind of cool... haha
Shall not comment much on it. One word. INTERESTING.
Now still kind of excited over the fact that i have a blog! Haha
Do look out for this space soon!
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:54 AM