Sunday, December 25, 2005
King Kong
Woohoo! Just back from watching King Kong.

Have a lot of
F-words for it. No, not that
F-word, but rather, the following
Yes, the movie is simply marvellous, if not excellent. The effects, the emotions, the fight between Kong and that T-Rex, it is all... excellent is an understatment here. Peter Jackson has outdone himself again. Although it is 3 hours long, which is a test of bladder capacity though, the movie is not at any minute boring or redundant. It seems that the time is just right, not too long nor too short, just right.
There are many favourite scenes in the movie. The fight between Kong and that T-Rex(by the way, i feel kid of pity for the T-Rex. Its death is um... horrible?), Kong standing on top of Empire State Building and beating his chest, the excellent scenary of Skull Island... all these are simply fantastic. The movie is very smooth, no hiccups or whatsoever and really, the emotions of the actors and actress(no es la, only one mah) is really what make the movie so excellent and different from other movies. About effects, eh... why must normal creatures like bats, cockroaches and scorpions living in Skull Island become at least 10 times bigger? Really, it is disgusting and... eeeeeee. Especially when the actors have to fight them off and Ann(Naomi Watts) having to fight off a centipede which is making his way around her body. Everyone say with me: Eeeeeee.
One more thing is that the movie did mention our little island's name a few times. Yesh, that is right.
Singapore is mentioned. I am very sure Peter Jackson did his research on the geography of South-East Asia(SEA). Places like Yangon and Sumatra was mentioned. BUT, this is the first time i heard Skull Island is in SEA. Cool. So right here in SEA, we have this little island who once have Kong and those digusting creatures who are at least 10 times bigger compared to their descendants as its inhabitants. Thanks goodness Kong killed most, if not all of the T-Rex before he left. Cannot imagine what will happen if T-Rex acquired the skill of swimming. Gosh, i do not wish to die while doing my business in the toilet. (There is a scene in Jurassic Park where a person was eaten by T-Rex while doing his business in the toilet.)
From this movie, really, the emotions are all that matters. The greed of humans for fame and money normally drives us to do things which harm innocent animals. No matter how much they try to avoid us or try to harm us in order to scare us away, we humans just can't keep our hands to ourselves and must take something from them or take them away from their natural habitats and use them, no, exploit them for our benefits. It is telling everyone that greed can make one become evil. We have to control our desires and be happy with what we have and not let greed take over our heads.
But than of course, it also remind us that even animals have feelings like us and they know how to love. Love is not confined within anything. Love is all around and anything have the ability to love and thry yearned too to be loved. So do go and reflect on whether harming animals is the way to go or loving them is the way to go. Of course, i am not asking you to go and live in the zoo or the wild, but do show your concerns to animals as you would to other fellow humans. Animals do need love and trust me, they will appreciate it whole-heartedly.
Tears were actually trying to from in my eyes. Yes, i am really touched by the last part of the movie. The love Kong had for Ann(Naomi Watts) is simply touching. Let me see the show once more and i bet i will definitely cry.
Rating: 9.5/10
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:33 PM