Friday, December 30, 2005
First Day
Okay, i know if you have been following my entries, this is my second day. But i was too tired yesterday to do any typing. So here goes.
Yesterday i woke up at a damm time. 5.30am! Oh my goodness, this remind of me of my secondary school days where i woke up at 5.30am. But hey! During my JC time, i woke up at 6.30am ya? My bio clock changed even drastically after my "A" level exams. Telling me to change it back to waking up at 5.30am need motivation. Money is enough to motivate me. Maybe a girl with the looks of Naomi Watts and the figure of Angeline Jolie will be a excellent motivation.
Luckily, the company provide transport. But asking me to wait for the bus at 6.30am in the morning? Come on! What is worse is that it drop us off at the factory at... 7am! Come on! I start work at 7.30am. What you want me to do for the half an hour? Sleep? Too short a duration. Walk around. With all those doors leading to don't know where, i prefer to stay in the canteen and stoned. I don't want to get killed by those machines or needles which may be flying around. At least let me die without looking like someone who are having an acupuncture session.
Um, so at 7.30am, i proceed to the locker to put my things and put on
1) Safety goggles
2) Ear plugs
3) Hair net
4) Jumpsuit
5) Boots
6) Gloves
in that order.
On the first day, we had a briefing session by my superviser on this thing called Good Manufacturing Practice(GMP). The GMP is followed by factories worldwide and no, i am not going to tell you the details. I forget about it anyway. About why everyone must put on that 5 things above, reasons being is we are in a "cleanroom". In the "cleanroom", needles and syringes are manufactured and assembled. Oh, as the name imply, everyone must also wash their hands before entering. Don't ask me why. It is part of the procedures. However, the "cleanroom" isn't very clean. It is just a normal air-con room. Wonder why they name it "cleanroom" in the first place. Oh, do not worry about the needles that those docs inject in you. They are SAFE. From my description, they look contamined. BUT, they are sterilised once they are assembled and the sterilisation are done outside the "cleanroom". Oh, i also learn from the briefing about the different kinds of needles and some of their characteristics. I also learn how to check for their expiry date. Yes, needles have expiry dates. There are some other things i learned from the briefing but i am trying to recall. Will update if i can recall.
Anyway, back to my job. Before putting those needles into the machines for packaging, they have to be checked first. That means, the shield covering the needles have to be tight. After the machine have "installed" the shield, they are collected in plastic bags. The machine just "install" the shields, they don't care tight or not. My job is to take the needles out from the plastic bag, ensure the shields are tight and transfer them to another plastic bag. If i found out that the needle has no shield, i have to separate them out. Sounds simple? Nahz, when you have 18,000 needles in one bag and you risk being pokes by those "shieldless" needles and you have to check them one by one.
Okay, that is my job. I hope to find another job by end of January if not i will die of boredom and my fingers may be full of man-made pores. I tell you, the needles are damm sharp and the wound they make is damm small. Oh, i applied for a half-day leave on the second day of my job, which is today. Cool huh? All thanks to my sister who works in BD HR department. Thanks sis!
Oh, tonight is my JC Graduation Night. Will upload pics if i can. Oh no, i am going to be late...
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:09 PM