Thursday, March 30, 2006
Sucky morning...
I don't know why but this morning everything just went wrong... shall not go into details here. Prefer to slowly forget it... This morning is nothing but sucky...
Oh ya, before i forget, i am going for an interview on 4th of Apr. To me, this interview cannot fail wor. Fail it and i can kiss goodbye to my dreams while pass would be a step nearer towards my dream. Okay okay, not to be so secretive anymore, the interview is for pilot selection by the RSAF. It is actually part 2 of the whole process. The first part is a computerised test.
Test what huh? Um, can't say la. Haha.
Test for what huh? I also don't know leh.
The most imprtant thing is that i pass the test, hence the interview. If i also pass the interview, i just need to clear a medical examination and i am on my way to flying around in the air. Woohoo!
But... that is i pass the interview.
If i(touchwood x 1000 to the power of infinity plus 10) fail the interview, i am still a diver! But i would rather see clouds than fish...
Okay, now to just pack for NS... why must use orange cloth to polish boots huh?...
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:49 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
A quick one...
Am supposed to hit my bed by now, but decided to force my eyes open for a while.
Today was rather eventful i guess. Sign up for an insurance policy, handed in my application form with
relevant supporting documents to SMU and watch V for Vendetta. Wah, that show damn nice, just that the political theme a bit too strong for my liking and damn cheem to be able to digest it immediately.

As usual, will do the review later.
Right, time for bed.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:59 AM
Monday, March 27, 2006
Um, if i ever get to choose my path in NS, i WILL never choose being a diver. I would prefer going to Tekong for BMT before moving on to OCS and be a officer. Than i ORD. =)
Well of course i don't have the luxury to choose. Although i was feeling rather negative when i received my enlistment letter, the feelings slowly changed to neutral as lots of people would tell me, "Eh diver leh! Training tough but the prestige is good man!"
At this stage in time, i have no feelings liao. To me, it is just NS, a responsibility that i have to fulfill and there is no escaping. So where i serve it don't really matter.
That is, before i receive this call.
The caller is calling from CMPB and he told me that on 4th of Apr, i have to attend an interview. That interview is SUPER(Read: SUPER to the power of infinity plus 1) important to me. It will determine my career for the next 10 to 13 years and if i passed it, i would be one of the most happy person in Singapore.
Can you guys guess what the interview is for? Well, it is for...
Nahz, go guess. Will tell you guys later.
For now, let me find out ways of ensuring i pass the interview. =P
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:51 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Commonwealth Games...
Today marks the last day of the Commonwealth Games and Singapore made history by returning with 5 golds, the best haul ever.
The most significance moment is when our Zhang Xueling beat Miao Miao and book a place in the finals with Jia Wei(Xueling won the match eventually) and ensure that the gold medal come back with Team Singapore. Furthermore, the latest news is that our Xu Yan beat Miao Miao and ensure we have another clean sweep after the mixed doubles's one.
Talking about mixed doubles, can you imagine the sense of pride when you see not 1, not 2 but 3 Singapore flags being raised up? However, what make me even prouder is that the bronze medalists is of Singapore origins. People around the world may say that Singapore use foreign talents to win gold but what they say about the team that won the bronze at the just-ended Games? They are our OWN local talents. Jason Ho and Tan Paey Fern are born and bred here. But look, they won a medal. So it is time that we show the world that we don't just depend on foreign talents alone. We have our own local talents and we are definitely not shy to show it off. =)
Anyway, congratulations to Team Singapore for bringing 5 gold medals back. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:20 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Went to Funan IT Mall with Kang Wei on thursday to check out some laptop. Wah lao, so big! Than got soooo many stores. But after a while, the brands and models are more or less the same and the focus shift to which shop sells the same model at a cheaper price.
Prior to the trip, we were told that we should avoid Acer and buy Toshiba or Fujitsu but the reason behind it was not clear. However, after finding out more about the performances of various laptops from different shop owners, brand really don't matter. What is more important is that it has what you want and within your budget. For example, Kang Wei want his laptop to be able to perform what his school work require and also able to support his gaming purpose. We managed to find some models which has what he need and also able to let him play games without any hiccups. Surprisingly, all the models he set his eyes on come from Acer. What stop him from buying however is the upgrades that come with the purchases. Cause we came across two shops and they both recommend the same model that suits Kang Wei. However, one of them sell at a slightly higher price yet the upgrades is attractive and FREE. The other one sell at a slightly lower price but the same upgrades is not free. Oh well, the final decision lies with him. After all, he is the one using for three years. Haha.
Talking about Funan, it changed, a lot. I remember in the past it is a bit dead and kind of dark because of the shadows created by the escalators. Now, it is more lively and more shops emerged, although i wonder why they are there cause they don't sell computers. Hmmm...
But in any case, it is still one place to shop for computers. Although the prices are
a bit higher than Sim Lim Square, you get quality goods. After hearing so many
not-so-good rumours about Sim Lim, i prefer Funan to Sim Lim anytime.
Oh, i have officially end my salesman job. Although i didn't earn much, the experiences and the things i learned are more important. Credits goes to my collegues too as they make my job more enjoyable. Thanks guys. Hope our paths will cross again next time. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:29 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I guess most of you don't know i will be reporting for NS soon...
Well, the sad or happy news is that i will be reporting for NS on 7th April 2006. Furthermore, i am enlisted into NDU or Naval Diving Unit in short. Heard that the training there is at least 10x more tough than normal BMT. Oh well, i shall not think too much and accept whatever shit there is to accept. Don't worry though, this blog will not shut down, just that the updates will be less frequent. Still want to have a channel for me to whine. =p
However, it seems like going NS is a big thing among my religions friends. I guess it is because i am the first to report as their average age is at least 1 year younger than me. They want to see my bald head la, stories about NS, especially those on ghosts and definitely how i survive(hopefully) diver training. Than there is this
last thing going on, like
last dinner,
last time going out to play etc. Hey, i did not contact any terminal diseases or whatsoever okay?!
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:07 PM
Went for morning gongyo today. Finally solved the problem that occurs when drumming with my left hand. All thanks to the guidance(s) given by the Chief Priest and the assistant Chief Priest.
[Um, you guys can ignore this part as it is meant for personal understanding only. =p]
Anyway, i also visited the new campus of
Republic Polytechnic(RP). Very big and very new. A world apart from its old campus and i would say it is a fine example of modern architecture. Um, you might guess why i am there. Nahz, not there to apply for a place. But it did reminded me of 2 years ago where my points allow me to do ANY course in any poly. But now, the situation is different and i can only pray for the best.
Oh ya, back to topic. I was accompanying Kang Wei, Wei Jie and Sze Ying to finalise their admission procedures. Very troublesome leh. While other polys simple settle this step through the internet, RP require its students to come down personally to settle it. But one thing good is that the students don't need to go through any medical checkup, unlike other polys.
On a more personal note, today is the 2nd day i am not working. Not because i am lazy but rather my mum is ill. She has been down since sunday and no sign of improvement yet. What is worse is that she has to take care of my little nephew who is becoming more and more mischievous. Furthermore, both my sisters are busy with work and that means i have to take care of him. Not complaining though as it is time to repay my debts of gratitude. Hope my mum recover soon.
Oh, talking about admission, i have not submit my applications to the three universities here. Um, kind of hard to apply cause the application forms require me to fill up a short essay boasting my good points.
Will submit by this week, by hook or by crook. Now to just think of what to boast...
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:31 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Perfect place for Amazing Race
Was at Suntec City just now with my family for dinner and took a walk around Carrefour(pronounced as Car-fool).
My bro left something in his car and i was assigned to retrieve it. When i entered the carpark, oh my goodness. The carpark is damn huge and dimly-lit. You know Suntec City is separated into 5 towers and marked out by different colours? The same apply to the carpark.
The worst thing is that i forget which area is my bro's car parked at and i spent a bloody long time searching for it. There are so many cars there and with the rubbish lighting, locating a single car out of SOOOO many is a uphill task. Nevertheless, i still managed to locate the car. However, i met another problem. How to enter Suntec City from the carpark huh? Eventually i found a way in. Wah lao. Never drive to Suntec City man. Will get lost de.
However, this incident inspired me to come up with an idea for Amazing Race. The clue just need to read like this:
Fly yourself to Singapore. Locate Suntec City and proceed to its carpark. In it, find one of the cars marked with the Amazing Race flag.
Wah lao, i can tell you this will kill them man. Imagine them carrying their heavy backpacks walking in the carpark. Inside the carpark it is so hot that they will melt. Furthermore, with the carpark so vast, locating a car is difficult, not to mention locating a marked car.
If only they hire me to help them think of the obstacles for the Amazing Race...
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:04 AM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Planned to write a long essay but decided to cut it short. =)
I am sure you guys know the most famous vulgarity on this world is
FUCK right? It is a universal word and you can hear it anywhere, be it in Singapore or New York.
However, some people just love doing FREE advertisement for French Connection UK. Sometimes in IRC or MSN Messenger, people tend to type FCUK and not FUCK and this is definitely not a case of typo error. They just want to spell FUCK as FCUK.
I for one don't understand why. Why must these people do free advertisement for French Connection UK? To me, if i wanted to scold people using the F word, i simply type FUCK and make no mistakes about it. I don't like typing FCUK and doing free advertisement for a brand i know i won't even go near, not to mention buying its products.
So to all, if you ever want to use the F word, be proud of it. Simply type FUCK and not beat around the bush typing FCUK. Why let French Connection UK get free publicity?
Oh, one last thing, to all the people who use FCUK, if you don't know that FCUK stands for French Connection UK, you guys are pathetic. Doing free publicity for a brand you don't even know... haha, what a joke.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:59 AM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Kaiz a teacher?
Sorry guys... been busy with stuff hence the lack of time to update.
Or is it too lazy? I prefer to think i am busy. Haha
Anyway, was having breakfast just now with my religious friends and one of them said something that kind of inspired me to be a teacher. I always love giving people tuition not because of the money but rather the joy in imparting knowledge and helping others. I don't know how to say but ya, i found joy in helping people with their work, especially those that are related to academics.
On the way back, i was thinking, thinking and thinking. Thinking about the future... what career path i will embark on and what i see myself 10 years down the road. I used to thought that i will be one of those that you find in Shenton Way or Raffles Place, wearing neatly ironed long-sleeve shirt and pants and working in those high-rise buildings. But now, i can picture myself walking into a classroom and conducting lessons. Wow.
I used to hate being a teacher as even though the ricebowl is quite secure, the stress is tremendous and horrible. If your class fail to achieve a certain standard, you
kanna scolding by principal. If the subject you teach have a lot of people failing, you again
kanna scolding by principal. If you score badly in the year-end ranking, you don't
kanna scolding but you might not get a chance to be promoted. Wow.
But than again, the joy of imparting knowledge and educating future leaders of the country with the correct values is one plus point of being a teacher. When you know that the students you have taught before have go on to achieve something great, the sense of satisfaction is nothing words can describe. Furthermore, the emotional rollercoaster you experience when the bunch of students you are teaching are getting their all-important "O" or "A" Level results is something you can't find elsewhere. Besides, you get to celebrate Teachers' Day. Haha
Oh well, i guess i am in a fix now. Should i apply straight to
NIE or wait a while or simply become one of those you see walking down Shenton Way?
[Edit: Just realised that the application for the teaching course has closed. Nevermind lor, try again next year ba. =)]
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:29 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Bangkok... day 2
Sorry guys for the late update. Been busy depressing myself. Haha.
Anyway, let me continue on. Our second day of Bangkok coincide with a Sunday. This means, if you ever visit Bangkok on a weekend and not visit their famous Chatuchak Weekend Market, you can't say you have visited Bangkok. Wow. That place is not huge, it is GIGANTIC! You can get lost in there and not find a way out until the time where all the shops have closed. I think it is around the size of 10 football fields and there are a lot(to the power of infinity minus one) stores selling all kinds of things. Luckily the market is organised and divided into different section catering to different needs. Quite interested in the handicrafts section but decided to skip it cause just shopping around the clothes section is enough to kill you and time. The worse part is that as we walk, the clothes section seems to get larger...
Travel Tips: Chatuchak Market is huge and all the stalls are closely packed and there is always a lot of people in the market at any given time. Just imagine you are a sardine in a sardine can as the area is rather enclosed too. Furthermore, there is no air-con in the market and it means you can get a heatstroke easily. When visiting there, be armed with two water bottles and a mini-fan to get cool yourself and if you have those Nike Dri-Fit tees or adidas ClimaCool tees, wear them. They will come in useful.But... before we can move on, we need to fill up our stomach right? Also to store up some energy. =)

Now you see them...

Now you don't.
Here are some pictures at Chatuchak Market. Didn't take much as i was too engrossed in bargaining. =p

Look at the crowd man! And this is just the border...

Inside Chatuchak Market... Wow! Look at the crowd!

Soft drinks in glass bottles! Don't they remind you of Singapore in the past?

The entrance/exit of Chatuchak Market.
Oh ya, before we left for Chatuchak Market, we treated ourself to a sauna and foot massage session. It was a rather refreshing session but after the session we were kind of sleepy. But the thought of bargaining and filling up shopping bags perk us up. Hee.

The place where we had our sauna and foot massage session.

Wei Yang inside the sauna room. Trust me, even before the heater is turned on, the room is already like a oven.
Some random pictures of the streets of Bangkok...
On the way back to the hotel from Chatuchak Market, the taxi driver went the wrong way and not only that, he stopped along a road and went to take a leak. What the...
In the end, the cab fare was 200 bahts and we were rather unhappy as the driver wasted our time. Luckily he is kind enough to tell us that the fare is only 100 bahts. Oh well, just take it as a ride around Bangkok ba. As Wei Yang said, "the experience is more important". Although i was kind of angry and fed up, my anger immediately vanished when the driver say the fare is only 100 bahts. I can't help but feel that the Thais are really a bunch of friendly people...
After resting for a while, we hit the roads again. This time it is destination Pratunam Night Market. I wanted to go to the Central World Plaza as i heard that authentic Levi's jeans are selling at half the price you would find here. But... the shop 倒闭 liao. -.-" So we went to shop around Pratunam Night Market but found out that they are just replicas of the shops at Chatuchak Market. Didn't get anything as nothing caught my fancy but Wei Yang returned with some watches. Wah, the watches there quite nice and cheap leh. Haha. No pictures too... haha. No mood after finding out that the Levis jean shop has 倒闭.
The most interesting thing from our night trip is that we experience eating beside a road, literally. We were thinking of where to settle our dinner and Wei Jie suggested eating at a roadside stall. There are objections initially due to concerns of hygiene but heck la. At most lao sai nia. The experience is definitely once-in-a-lifetime. I mean, this kind of roadside stalls are a common feature in the 60s but that they have since moved into hawker centres. So to the younger generation we never know what is meant by eating beside the road as experienced by our grandparents. Now we understand and i must say it is rather fun. We had difficulty understang the menu as it is in broken English and Thai! But somehow, after a while of 比手划脚 we finally ordered something sensible. Here are what we ate. No lao sai was reported. Haha.
This day was a rather tiring one. Just walking around Chatuchak Market is enough to kill us. I swear our legs are threatening to give way and we barely walk(make it struggle) out of the market. The eating-beside-a-road experience is wonderful too and we were rather full after our meal. Wow. Really lived like a king there man...
[The empty space are for pictures. Will post them later. Lazy... haha]
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:03 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Open Houses...
I guess the competition to grab students by our local universities is getting more stiff. If not, why do
NTU and
NUS hold their open house on the same weekend? It may seem convenient as one would say, "Visit all three together good cause can save time."
True, you can get all the info you need in just two days but people need time to digest right? At least hold it consecutively mah, as in this week
SMU, next week
NTU and last week
Anyway, went to
NUS open house only. Wanted to go
SMU and
NTU de... but... long story. However, i am not very optimistic. To quote the words from the people over at the Office Of Admission, "Chances are slim".
Just realised that i have a wide range of interest. Must be my brain. Remember my
handwriting analysis? Both side of my brains are quite acitve. But one thing for sure is that i am not touching ANYTHING to do with science. No thanks. I am happy with my current knowledge of science. No engineering courses too as i hate physics.
I am more comfortable with languages, design and business. But hor, my results don't really allow me to study what i want. In fact, it don't allow me to study anything at all! Really regret not working hard enough for my A Level...
I guess i have to take things one step at a time...
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:40 PM
Today is a 完美的一天. Woohoo!!!
Other than some unhappy events in the morning(shall not elaborate here), today is nothing short of 完美.
Went to Expo Hall 4 for Kelly's handshake and photo-taking session. Remember my complaints about missing the previous two autograph session and my threat of killing myself? All of them vanished today! Don't worry divers, you all don't need to go dig for my body. Don't worry editors of various newspaper agencies, you all don't need to clear up some precious space for the report on my death. =)
Anyway, today was great. Kelly look way much better than the period of time when she is busy with acting and recording. Guess she finally managed to take a break and it helps. She was beaming with radiance today and the whole session went on smoothly without any hiccups. Guess what guys, i took a picture with my idol, Kelly wor! Not only that, i also get to shake her hand! Woohoo! Her hand is just like any other female's hand. You know, smooth and silky. To let you guys in on a secret, i was actually quite nervous when i saw her so up close. I mean, if your idol is standing right in front of you, don't you feel a bit nervous too? Haha. Oh, managed to took some nice pictures too. Will post later. Oh ya, remember this baby i was showing off the other time?

Today it prove to me why i was not wrong to buy it. It has a video recording function which allows me to record down Kelly's performance today. Woohoo! Thanks so much baby! I will make sure you will be protected and appreciated and cherished to the max. =)
After the Expo event, i went to a event over at Bukit Panjang. I am not too sure what is the event for but the nature of the event is performance. After a magic show, different kinds of singers come up to the stage consecutively to perform different kinds of songs ranging from indian to dialect songs. The highlight is definitely the performers from the different talent quest shows that Mediacrop organise. We have the finalist and winner of the malay version of Project Superstar and not forgetting Jun Yang and Kelly. They dish out hits after hits, sending the crowd high and wild. Flashlight and screams are everywhere, showing just how popular the stars are. Took a lot of pictures and videos too. Upload next time. Hee. =)
Wow. Went to two events today, get to see Kelly today not once but twice and managed to shake her hand and took a photo with her. Woohoo! Furthermore, i was treated to a buffet of songs and all of them are so highly entertaining and smoothing to the ears. Wow. Today is definitely a 完美的一天。
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:58 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Woohoo! Today i close a deal! The second one since i started working and still counting...
This post is not to talk about my joy nor how i close the deal. Oh ya, definitely not to show off by telling you guys that my achievement is considered quite good as i am a newbie. Oops, i just said that, did I? Haha. Anyway, not i say one wor. My leader say so de.
Anyway, this post is to show my appreciation to the customer who signed up for Cable TV through me. I must say he is the best customer any salesman would love to have. He goes by the name of Mr Eugene Kan.
As i am a newbie, i have some problems answering some very difficult questions. So halfway through our talk he will find me calling my leader up and this happened not only once okay? Wah, very pai seh leh...
Than while filling up the form i made lots of mistake and of course i gave him a new one. Can't give a customer a form that has lots of cancellation right? Haha.
Throughout the whole process, he is very understanding and offer me a lot of assistance. He don't mind me calling up my leader halfway and he is not annoyed by my clumsiness and inexperience. He is always very paitent, checking with me did i make any mistake or is the form filled up correctly and even lent me his calculator. Wow. Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate his actions. He really make my day. I really want to thank him and show my appreciation for his kind acts.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:42 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Handwriting Analysis
Always wanted to have my handwriting analysed to find out more about me. So while reading some blogs, i saw this
Handwriting Wizard.
The Analysis Starts Here...
Aik Kai is very self-sufficient. He is trying not to need anyone. He is capable of making it on his own. He probably wants and enjoys people, but he doesn't "need" them. He can be a loner.True. I always prefer quiet moments to myself most of the time. Although i feel happy and comfortable with a group of friends, i am happy to be left alone too.
Aik Kai is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect his ego when he feels hurt. He pokes people harder than he gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.True. I learned my lesson some time ago when my defense mechansim was totally destroyed. So now my sarcastic remarks are funny only. So if you hurt me, be careful. Amid all the laughter, i may be hurting you. But than again, it only happen when you offend me so much that my defense mechanism acts up.
Aik Kai's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told Aik Kai that he wasn't a great and beautiful person, and he believed them. Aik Kai also has a fear that he might fail if he takes large risks. Therefore he resists setting his goals too high, risking failure. He doesn't have the internal confidence that frees him to take risks and chance failure. Aik Kai is capable of accomplishing much more than he is presently achieving. All this relates to his self-esteem. Aik Kai's self-concept is artificially low. Aik Kai will stay in a bad situation much too long... why? Because he is afraid that if he makes a change, it might get worse. It is hard for Aik Kai to plan too far into the future. He kind of takes things on a day to day basis. He may tell you his dreams but he is living in today, with a fear of making a change. No matter how loud he speaks, look at his actions. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. Aik Kai is an example of someone living with a low self-image, because their innate self-confidence was broken.Two words: Very true.
But as to what is being able to achieve things better than what i am achieving now, i don't really know... haha
In reference to Aik Kai's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Aik Kai slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project. He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Aik Kai can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.Is it? I love my brain!
Aik Kai will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!To girls out there, don't bring me along when shopping or else you might return with too many things or none at all. Basically i keep my opinions to myself but if you ask me...
Aik Kai will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Aik Kai believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.Yes! Yes! But about a lot of pride... still okay only lor...
Aik Kai uses judgment to make decisions. He is ruled by his head, not his heart. He is a cool, collected person who is usually unexpressive emotionally. Some may see him as unemotional. He does have emotions but has no need to express them. He is withdrawn into himself and enjoys being alone. The circumstances when Aik Kai does express emotions include: extreme anger, extreme passion, and tremendous stress. If someone gets him mad enough to tell him off, he will not be sorry about it later. He puts a mark in his mind when someone angers him. He keeps track of these marks and when he hits that last mark he will let them know they have gone too far. Um, about being ruled by my head, quite true ba. But about being an unemotional person, super true! I don't really show out my emotions cause i think it is not necessary as actions is more important than words and emotions. About being alone, read above okay? About showing extrme feelings, should be true. About 记仇, nope! Cause after a while i will forget. I have lousy memory, both short-term and long-term.
He is ruled somewhat by self-interest. All his conclusions are made without outside emotional influence. He is very level-headed and will remain calm in an emergency situation. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, he has poise. Aik Kai will work more efficiently if given space and time to be alone. He would rather not be surrounded by people constantly. In a relationship, he will show his love by the things he does rather than by the things he says. Saying "I love you" is not a needed routine because he feels his mate should already know. The only exception to this is if he has logically concluded that it is best for his mate to hear him express his love verbally. Aik Kai is not subject to emotional appeals. If someone is selling a product to him, they will need to present only the facts. They should present them from a standpoint of his sound judgment. He will not be taken in by an emotional story about someone else. He will meet emergencies without getting hysterical and he will always ask "Is this best for me?"About meeting emergencies in a calm way, really ar? No comments though... haha
Oh ya, i love working alone. Don't know why but i feel pressurised when people are always around, giving me advices here and there. Maybe it is because it will mess up my train of thought. But this is not true when teamwork is required as the team is doing the thing together, not me alone.
About love... being in a relationship once, i do agree i don't see the need to say "I love you" to my partner regularly. Words are cheap. Actions are the best proof of showing love and concern to my partner.
When a salesman promote a product to me, i don't want to know extra details like how his brother have tried the product and love it etc. I only want to know its functions and facts. If the product is useless to me, i would politely reject the salesman.
People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially.� According to the data input, Aik Kai doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.Huh? But in my own explanation i am super shy. It takes me a while to warm up to strangers. Interacting with others is never my strong point so i tend to keep quiet most of the time. Being social depends on my mood. But really, this part i don't really understand. To my friends, they know me as one who sometimes is quiet and who sometimes is talkative and being lame and sprouting rubbish.
Aik Kai can be defiant. He sometimes has the attitude that if someone doesn't like it the way he is doing it, then they can just "go to hell!" This trait may reveal itself in a rebellious nature that is always ready to resist forces which he thinks are infringing upon his freedom of action.SUPER true! When i feel a that i am being restricted, i tend to try to break free from it, no matter what. I love freedom and espcially space, hence my obession with sea, sky and forest. They seem so big and free and not restricted by anything. I may be stubborn at times but unless you can provide me with a better way of doing certain things, i will continue with my way. If you can't, f*** off.
I won't say it is very accurate but rather close to 80% accurate. There are some points i totally agree with and there are some points which i am still figuring it out. But nevertheless, this analysis is rather accurate i would say.
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:01 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Before I start, I would like to thank all those who leave comments on my blog. Thanks so much for all your advices and encouragement. They meant a lot and I really appreciate you guys. Furthermore, you guys assured me that my blog have readers and I am sure this is important to most bloggers. Thanks again guys! =)
Don't worry, I have straightened out my thoughts and ya, I am fine. I may be in a difficult situation now but don't worry, I have confidence that I can move on to an institute of further education. Once again, thanks a lot guys!
About my funeral, um, I only postpone it ya? So I still want it to go according to my last wishes. Can la hor? Very bad to reject a dying wish right? Haha.
And I decided to stop thinking about jumping off buildings. Cause when you land, you look really disgusting. And I mean very disgusting. I want to die nicely, not die in a big mess.
Went to the career and education fair at
Suntec City today. I won’t say it is a rewarding trip but it open up my horizon. I get to know more about the various different courses available here and overseas. Didn’t know there are soooo many courses worldwide. Haha. (I am a mountain turtle la, so must understand) But generally they offer the same thing just that the courses come from different schools.
But as I said, it is not a rewarding trip. Most of the schools are located overseas, which means I have to travel out of the country. This is a big no-no for me as although I love to travel, I can’t afford it. Only
MDIS and
PSB Academy are the local representatives but they are too crowded for me to ask any questions. Oh well…
Anyway, since I am in
Suntec City, might as well take a walk. Been a while since I visited
Suntec City and nothing much changed. Shops are still the same, save for some which have become bigger or smaller. Eventually I wandered into
Starbucks and decided to take a break, sip some coffee and observe the crowd. Surprisingly, I saw Mediacrop artiste Felicia Chin. Wow. If you think she look pretty on screen, you will be shocked by her appearance in real life. She look much prettier and I must admit, it took me a while to take my eyes off her. Before I could muster my courage to ask for her autograph, she is gone. Oh well, seeing her off the screen is good enough. But i have to add, she is really very beautiful. =)
Looking back, up to now, I have met 2 celebrities on the streets away from their work. Wonder who will be the third?
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:24 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Happy Day
Woohoo! Today is a rather happy day for me. Not to the stage of 完美的一天 but somewhere near.
1st reason why i am so happy:
Today while on the train to work, a female commuter sitting beside me asked me what perfume i am using. She is in her late 20s i think and not bad-looking. So i proudly told her i am using
ck be perfume and she complimented that the scent is very nice. She really made my day man. This is the first time i wore perfume to work and i got a compliment from a stranger. Wow!
2nd reason i am so happy:
I guess you guys know from my previous posts that i am a salesman selling Starhub Cable TV and Internet services right? You don't? Um, okay, now you do right? Haha. Anyway, i broke my duck today! Finally i managed to convince a customer to sign up for Cable TV. Woohoo!
However, my future is still a big question mark. How?! Can i really get into a local Uni here or not?
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:42 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
Two days has passed and don't worry, i am not going to die yet. No first class ticket to KL to jump off building and no wasting of money on sleeping pills. I am fine. Don't worry. =)
Or so i think.
Anyway, was busy with my job this two days. Now i truely understand being a salesman is not easy, no matter what product you are selling. You may be selling the most popular product yet you still can achieve zero sales. So i really respect those salesmen. So next time if you come across a salesman selling a product you don't want/need, PLEASE reject them politely, okay?
Been thinking a lot this few days too. Mostly about my future. Right now, i have no idea where can i go but i really hope to further my studies.
Oh, i once mentioned before i going Tozan after my NS days right? The rough outline is out. Wah, sounds very expensive leh...
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:43 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
My results is a total disaster. No comments about it. This is my results and i can only accept it.
Oh, about the funeral i mentioned earlier, you guys can skip it la. Will be postponing it to some dates in the very distant future.
Right now, i feel relieved yet so sad. Relieved that i finally got my results. Sad at my results. Suddenly all doors has closed on me. Looking at others receiving better results just make my heart sank. No matter who i asked, they would always reply with results far better than mine. I cannot advance yet i cannot go back. I am stuck! I don't know which local Uni will take pity on me and accept me and i doubt this will ever happen. Which Uni won't accept students with results better than mine?
I don't know what to do now. I don't feel like finding out more about the courses in Uni but there is this tiny little hope that i may still be able to make it.
To all who receive your desired grades, congrats! To all who didn't receive your desired grades, let us all try to stand up from this fall and move on. Life still move on, no matter what right?
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:50 PM
Oh no... in less than 1 hour i would know whether i will be jumping down from some buildings or celebrating.
Anyway, i always have this belief that women are no pushover. Read on to find out why.
I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right in front of a pickup truck, causing him to have to drive onto the shoulder to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung his arm out his window and made a nasty sign with his fingers at the woman."Man, that guy is stupid," I thought to myself. I always smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does anything to me in traffic. And here's why:I drive 48 miles each way every day to work. That's 96 miles each day. Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper to bumper. Most of the bumper-to-bumper is on an 8-lane highway.There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles. That works out to be 982 cars every mile, or 31,424 cars.Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure I pass at least another 4,000 cars. That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass every day.Statistically, females drive half of these. That's 18,000 women drivers!In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has PMS. That's 642.According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying or unrewarding. That's 449.According to the National Institute of Health, 22% of all females have seriously considered suicide or homicide. That's 98.And 34% describe men as their biggest problem. That's 33.According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry weapons, and this number is increasing.That means that every single day, I drive past at least one female that has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest problem, has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has PMS, and is armed.To all drivers out there, don't mess with women. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:09 PM