Sunday, March 12, 2006
Today is a 完美的一天. Woohoo!!!
Other than some unhappy events in the morning(shall not elaborate here), today is nothing short of 完美.
Went to Expo Hall 4 for Kelly's handshake and photo-taking session. Remember my complaints about missing the previous two autograph session and my threat of killing myself? All of them vanished today! Don't worry divers, you all don't need to go dig for my body. Don't worry editors of various newspaper agencies, you all don't need to clear up some precious space for the report on my death. =)
Anyway, today was great. Kelly look way much better than the period of time when she is busy with acting and recording. Guess she finally managed to take a break and it helps. She was beaming with radiance today and the whole session went on smoothly without any hiccups. Guess what guys, i took a picture with my idol, Kelly wor! Not only that, i also get to shake her hand! Woohoo! Her hand is just like any other female's hand. You know, smooth and silky. To let you guys in on a secret, i was actually quite nervous when i saw her so up close. I mean, if your idol is standing right in front of you, don't you feel a bit nervous too? Haha. Oh, managed to took some nice pictures too. Will post later. Oh ya, remember this baby i was showing off the other time?

Today it prove to me why i was not wrong to buy it. It has a video recording function which allows me to record down Kelly's performance today. Woohoo! Thanks so much baby! I will make sure you will be protected and appreciated and cherished to the max. =)
After the Expo event, i went to a event over at Bukit Panjang. I am not too sure what is the event for but the nature of the event is performance. After a magic show, different kinds of singers come up to the stage consecutively to perform different kinds of songs ranging from indian to dialect songs. The highlight is definitely the performers from the different talent quest shows that Mediacrop organise. We have the finalist and winner of the malay version of Project Superstar and not forgetting Jun Yang and Kelly. They dish out hits after hits, sending the crowd high and wild. Flashlight and screams are everywhere, showing just how popular the stars are. Took a lot of pictures and videos too. Upload next time. Hee. =)
Wow. Went to two events today, get to see Kelly today not once but twice and managed to shake her hand and took a photo with her. Woohoo! Furthermore, i was treated to a buffet of songs and all of them are so highly entertaining and smoothing to the ears. Wow. Today is definitely a 完美的一天。
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:58 AM