Monday, June 25, 2007
Senior Student Kenshu 2007 ended yesterday and all the preparations for it has finally ended. No more walking down the horrendous loooooooonng stretch of road at Changi Beach Park.
Kenshu was fun i guess. Somehow, i don't have the feeling i am in a Kenshu. Perhaps it is the place(at Aloha Changi no less) or the atmosphere or simply the flexibility. When you gather 60 plus people who are around your age, things are so much easier. There are more common topics to talk about and information can be passed down easily cause there is the advantage of common lingo or common understanding or maybe common thinking. Furthermore, due to the age of the participants(from 17 to 19), the degree of maturity is there and hence, there is a high degree of flexibility. You are free to come and leave anytime during the Kenshu cause we understand that you have other programmes elsewhere and we appreciate your effort in making your way down.
Besides, the programs are not so tightly packed this time round and free time are aplenty. It is through these free times that people start to talk to each other and bonds are created or strengthen and i guess this is something important.
So, to me, the whole Kenshu was simply a time to just get away from the routine, gather friends and sit down and look at our current life and practice. Discuss and spot the mistakes together, learn how to correct it, treat our practice with a more serious attitude and start practising correctly, not just practise to our convenience. Than move on afresh and strive towards 2009.
Now it is time to look forward to the Junior Student Kenshu 2007, our temple and ultimately 2009.

On a side note, i visited the Traffic Police HQ today for a sharing session and it was truly a great learning trip. The police officer emphasize safety a lot and advise us on ways to avoid accidents. In fact, he is trying to convince us not to do anything that will get ourself into accidents cause he always want us to think that the person you just knocked down in a hurry to get to somewhere might be the one closest to you. Besides that, he also soften the image of the Traffic Police and really, if you do not speed too much and keep to the rules, you probably won't meet them at all.
Throughout the sharing session, he showed us clips on accidents on the road and i can't help but notice that most of them involve a motorcycle. In fact, motorcyclists and pillion riders make up 55% of deaths due to accident on the roads. So, a motorcycle is really, really very dangerous. Not that i have a thing against motorcyclists but really, i would prefer to ride in a car than on a motorcycle anytime.
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:50 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Kenshu is coming. In fact, it is this weekend!
At this point in time i don't know whether i should be happy or worried. I am simply running out of time. I have not pack my stuff, there is a meeting later to finalise the details for Kenshu, which i suspect will take quite long and tomorrow is a very confusing and hectic day for me. In fact, i will arrive late for Kenshu and i don't know what time i will reach. Haiz... Busy...
Now i just wish i can plan out tomorrow's programme but i can't! By right, tomorrow i have to report to camp in the morning and book out later in the afternoon. But i don't know what time i will book out. Even if i do book out, i have to rush home, change into a new set of clothings and rush to attend
something. However, i don't have much info about that
something cause that
someone has not called me yet to inform me of the details. Than, after that
something, i have to rush to the Kenshu venue. Now, rushing around places is okay to me. What i don't like is that i don have the timings of the things i am doing and i feel that i am not in control. This give me lots of problems as i have to think of ways to get my barang barang to the Kenshu, what to bring to camp and that
something such that i will travel light and any final preparations for the Kenshu. Haiz..
But hey, i should not be complaining. After all, from what i have gathered, the other committees planning the Kenshu too is also running out of time and they also have other problems too. Well i guess the only thing is to jia you together and make the Kenshu a good one.
I guess i should now start on my final preparation for Kenshu and get everything settled out real soon...
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:16 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Been very lazy lately...
Just can't find the determination to sit down and do some updating...
Lazy me...
Anyway, Wednesday was spent at Marina Bay for the NDP rehearsal. It is really an eye-opener experience for me and the best part of all is that i am watching the performances from the sea. Cool.
Friday was duty day and i almost kenna activated. Apparently, someone drowned at Fisherman's Village at Pasir Ris Park. While we were making our way down, the SCDF people have arrived earlier and i guess they have either found the body or the body didn't sink down to the bottom. So ya, we made a U-turn back and my supervisor put it simply, "3 am in the morning and we come out to enjoy the morning breeze."
Saturday was spent at Changi Beach Park to prepare for the game to be played during the upcoming Kenshu. I was literally dragging myself along as i slept at 3 am and woke up at 7 plus and it is very very tiring. I don't have the habit of enjoying the morning breeze at 3 am okay? Later we move on to Vivo City, specifically the TOY"R"US shop. Oh man, it seems like we have re-enter childhood again as we were playing around with all the toys. Haha. Yes i know we are almost reaching adult age but hey! Who can resist the toys?
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:45 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
This week is cursed, i swear.
I guess i have not been catching up with my not-so-close friends, especially the guys over at UDG. Most of the time in camp, it is just "Hi, Bye". Had i not read Terence's blog regularly, i would not know that Sean's mother has passed away on friday night. According to Terence, Sean is taking it in his stride and he seems strong, undefeated by emotions.
I don't know and i can't comprehend what is wrong these days. 2 of my friends have lost their loved one this week and i can't do anything, particularly because i am not in their circle of close friends. It seems like saying or doing anything is useless.
Oh man... i am such a useless asshole.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:57 PM
Tired Week...
This week is horrible. It is very very tiring mentally.
This week, we did a lot of dives. In fact, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was spent on diving. Now diving itself is fun, no doubt. What is tiring is that we have to set up the things required and keep it all at the end of the day. The monotone routine is so so boring and we did it for three days straight. Sianz.
Over at my unit, everyone is divided into teams and there are equipment specified to the team to take care of. It just happened that this week, my team equipment sort of "moved house" and it is sian and tiring to take note of the different locations my team's equipment is housed. Sianz.
Wednesday was my duty day and i planned to spent it quietly in camp with a good comic. However, i received a shock and my mood was spoilt, totally. I feel so helpless, so useless.
I got to know Prem not too long ago and we kind of hit it off well. Maybe it is because of the drinking sessions or maybe it is because of Chee Kiat but whatever it is, it is always good to see him around. Than, i received bad news about his girlfriend condition and i don't know, i just feel so shocked and worried. As Pei Qiang said, her life is hanging on a thread and her condition is swaying from critical to stable and back to critical and you got what i mean. I pray that everything will go well and that her condition will just remain stable and hope that she will have a speedy recovery.
On the next day, another message came and this time, i am simply stunned. The message was regarding a funeral but the deceased was not someone i expected. I attended the wake today and i don't know whether is this friend of mine(glad that he still remember me) taking it well. Although i am assuming that he is taking it better this time but it might not be the case. 2 funerals in less than 5 years is not something a person can take it so easily. Furthermore, that look on his face is the same for both funerals and i am really kind of worried that he might just break down. There is long story here and i have no plans of elaborating it but i do hope he can get over it soon and move on. It is definitely not a easy task and i really hope i can give him whatever support he needs.
This 2 pieces of sad news is not something i want to receive and i just feel so helpless cause there is nothing i can do for them other than to chant. I can feel their pain but i don't know what to do to ease the pain in them. Haiz.
Furthermore, Yong Hoon, my Korean friend, is leaving on Monday, for good. Although i know he will be leaving soon but you know, we always thought that "soon" is still far away. It is only when the date draw near that you feel the longing for him to stay and not go. Haiz.
This week is definitely not a good week. So many sad things happened all at once and i feel overpowered by them and i am so lost. It is like being stuck in a puddle of mud and you can't move forward or backward but to stay in your original position.
How i wish i have someone to just listen to what my heart have to say...
And don't suggest my family members, they have their own problems and that last thing i want to do is to add to their burden.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:04 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Bought a 160GB hard disk at the PC Show last friday. Woohoo! Now can use it to put lots of things, like anime, pictures and videos etc. Finally can take the load off my poor 5-6 years old 40GB hard disk. Haha.
Beside the hard disk, i also landed myself Linkin Park latest album, Minutes to Midnight. Super big WOOHOO!

It has been a while since Meteora and i would say they changed a bit. Their music is kind of toned down. There are comparatively lesser high tempo songs but the original flavour that attract the fans is still there. In short, it is simply good.
Saturday was spent playing soccer and i regret it. My injury, already on the brink of recovery, got worse. Although i can still walk properly, i can still feel the pain with every step i take. In fact, i don't know how i survived through Sunday's Kosen-Rufu Chanting kneeling on solid hard ground.
But i guessed it was worth it as after the chanting, i get to experience something incredible. Was walking around Sim Lim Square with Chee Kiat they all when we stumbled upon this shop. The shop doesn't look like a shop. In fact, it looks like someone's living room was placed in that particular location.
You must be wondering what the shop is selling.
Well, the shop is selling projectors and screens for home usage. The shop owner was very warm and friendly and invite all of us into his shop to experience the power of the projector and i would say everyone left the shop feeling nothing but impressed. Normally, when we think about a projector, we would have images of people giving presentations. Hardly would people think of using it to watch movies or even TV shows. However, the shop owner changed our mind totally. He showed us an anime using a projector and the clarity, contrast and quality is so much better compared to a LCD TV. Not only that, match the projector with a decent sound system and a good screen and eureka! You get the best home entertainment system in the market. Not only that, the overall price is even lower than a high-end LCD TV. Wow.
Next time, when i get my own house, i will definitely get the projector and all and just stay at home and watch TV all day long.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:05 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Places to visit...
I suddenly have that urge again...
That burning urge...
That urge which i am trying to control...
That urge to
I LOVE to travel... haha. Travelling around the world is such a great thing! You get to see different people, different culture and widen your horizon. Wow.
When i mean travel, i don't just mean shopping. Shopping is always the lowest priority for me whenever i travel. Taking pictures, trying out the different food and things unique to the country is more important. Haha.
My ideal destination is Europe, especially Switzerland,

Prague (I really really really want to get my ass there cause... there is no cause. Haha.),

and not forgetting Paris!

If i am 10% as rich as Bill Gates, after my NS, i would just grab my stuff, get a good camera, stuff them into a backpack and off i go!
If only...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:31 PM