Sunday, June 10, 2007
This week is cursed, i swear.
I guess i have not been catching up with my not-so-close friends, especially the guys over at UDG. Most of the time in camp, it is just "Hi, Bye". Had i not read Terence's blog regularly, i would not know that Sean's mother has passed away on friday night. According to Terence, Sean is taking it in his stride and he seems strong, undefeated by emotions.
I don't know and i can't comprehend what is wrong these days. 2 of my friends have lost their loved one this week and i can't do anything, particularly because i am not in their circle of close friends. It seems like saying or doing anything is useless.
Oh man... i am such a useless asshole.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:57 PM