Monday, February 26, 2007
Crazy Weekend...
Last weekend was simply crazy but it also prove that going without sleep is something that i have gotten used to, all thanks to Hellweek.
I was in bed for less than 8 hours. Throughout the whole weekend, i was not at home but rather, i was at other people's home. Played Ban Lat and Manjong like there is no tomorrow. Got a few Ban Ban here and there but when it comes to manjong, Lady Luck seems to be sleeping. Oh well, you win here, you lose there.
Anyway, managed to squeeze a bit of time out to catch Jack Neo's Just Follow Law.

Nice show and good job in portraying the restrictions faced when getting jobs done in the public sector. Well of course the movie also bring out other social problems but that is another story. Main thing is that in my opinion, I don't feel that the show is criticising the government but rather, it is criticising the protocol and unwritten rules that we see everywhere. Protocol is important, no doubt but it lacks flexibilty and hinder jobs which can be settled quickly. On a lighter note, I must salute Fann Wong for her professionalism. It is definitely a very challenging role for her and i must say she has done very well. Oh, another memorable character from the movie is that bald Indian Security Guard. You just can't stop laughing at his plight.
Talking about movies, the 79th Academy Awards took place this morning. Um, there was no surprise in the Best Actor and Best Actress category and i was hoping that Letters From Iwo Jima can clinch the Best Picture.

Sad to say, The Departed got the nod from the judges over at the Oscars.

However, as we all know, The Departed in short is the trilogy of Infernal Affairs condensed into one. If it can clinch Best Picture, it just goes to show that Asia has talents who can produce movies that are of Hollywood standard, or even better...
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:34 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Attended a talk on drugs today. Wow. The talk has certainly increased my knowledge on drugs. But what is more interesting is the presentation by the Military Police(MP) after the talk.
When every soldier talk about MP, it is always about something negative, like that so and so MP confiscated my precious camera phone or caught me smoking outside the smoking point, causing my weekend to be burned etc. Of course, people would also always relate Dentention Barrack(DB) to MP and no one in their right state of mind would ever want to land themselves in DB. So, in a way, DB has become a place of mystery as many people like me have very little knowledge of it.
Today, the MP cleared everyone's doubts by telling us all about DB. Um, shall not reveal much here, cause a lot of things i cannot say. But essentially, DB is just like a civilian jail, just that the discipline and regimentation is much more stricter.
I certainly do not want to get my ass in there, not even for a day. I treasure my freedom -especially my weekends- and I am sure the regimentation will make me go nuts. As one of my camp mates puts it simply, "It is not the physical training that will kill us. Ask me to run 10km, i will. Ask me to do push-ups, piece of cake. But ask me to stand still for long periods of time or asking me not to move or talk at all while in a file formation, just kill me man. I will admit defeat straight away."
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:01 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
CNY 1st Day...
Chinese New Year is here again and while some people are happily going around visiting relatives, some just want to get away. You know, those aunts who will without fail bother you on your marriage status or some other questions you don't really wish to answer every CNY.
Don't they get sianz meh?
Anyway, i completed one round of visitation today and this round is always the same for every CNY. As one of my cousin jokingly puts in, there is a SOP(Standard Operating Procedures) in place liao. First we will visit my father's side 2nd aunt's son house where almost every relative in my father's side will gather. Next up is my Mum's 2nd bro house and before you know it, the day is gone.
Maybe it is because i went through NS or because of my age but this year's CNY feel totally different from last year's. I don't know how to describe the differences but the feeling is there. Maybe NS make me realise the importance of family i guess.
But whatever it is, i can't help but notice the one big difference between my Mum's side relatives and my father's side relatives.
My father's side has the tall genes. Wah lao! One year never see, most of my nephews has exceeded 175cm okay? And my cousins, my siblings and I are all at least 170cm. Comparatively, my Mum's side...
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:47 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Yes i am going to talk about the Budget report by the government, in case you are wondering.
Don't worry, it is going to be short.
7% GST?! I should just hide in my camp forever or go into some mountain to be a hermit. Things are getting expensive year by year. Oh man...
I don't study economics so i don't really know whether this Budget report is going to be helpful or stressful to normal peeps like me. I guess as long as i have a roof over my head, enough to survive(eat, drink, wear, go for my pilgrimage trip(tozan
lah) and the occassional splurge) till i die and do not get myself into debts i should be happy. Life is short, no doubt. So do not make things complicated and instead indulge oneself in the simple pleasures of life.
Which means, we should eat more Chinese New Year goodies! Isn't enjoying the goodies a simple pleasure of life? What a great excuse. Hahaha
Oh, before i forget, i want to wish everyone
Happy Chinese New Year!
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:43 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I watched the movie before it was released today.
No lah! I didn't go and buy pirated VCD of the show. I support ORIGINAL ya?It just happened that when i went over to Jurong Point for a midnight movie(as usual) on Saturday(10/2), Protégé is currently showing. Don't ask me why GV can screen a movie before it is released.

It is a very good movie and it is telling you a simple message: drugs are evil, be it you are the one hooked on it or the one selling it.
In this movie, they focus more on the one selling drugs. The whole movie don't do any fantasy story-telling but show you drug trafficking in its most true and natural form. I tell you, it isn't a very pretty sight.
Than, they also show you people on the other end of the food-chain, the drug addicts. The focus is on a single mother who is trying to kick the addiction but succumbs everytime the addiction kicks in, a typical situation for drug addicts everywhere.
What make me rate this movie as the best this holiday season is that the whole story is simple yet painful. Reality is shown to you without any effort to disguise it. The aim of drug sellers is simple and that is to make as much money as possible. They don't care whether they are hurting anyone or causing any social problems. To them, it is just a business. On top of this, it also set you thinking on how can we really define someone as bad or good?
A must-watch movie i would say.
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:15 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Oh yes!!! Oh yeah!!! OMG!!! Singapore has done it again! Singapore has once again lift the ASEAN Cup(ex-Tiger Cup) trophy, this time on foreign soil. It is definitely a proud moment for the Lions, having successfully defended the title from a strong opposition like Thailand.
In terms of statistics, Singapore and Thailand are the only countries to bring home the trophy not once, not twice but thrice. So we are like kind of on par with Thailand, one of the best team in Asia.
But this title didn't come easy. We struggled against Malaysia in the semi-final. Than came the final against the Thais. In the first leg, that "referee decision" became the talk of the town and we recorded our first win against the Thais in many years, which of course many said we didn't deserve to win.
In the second leg, in the first half, we looked messy. Our defence looked shaky and threatened to crumble under the pressure created by the Thais. Than came that equaliser, which sent the Thais into a state of ecstasy. But they became too impatient in the second half. I could sense that they were pushing all out to find that winning goal, end the game once and for all and bring home the title. However, this became their weak point. They left gaps in their defence sometimes and it is because of the occassional gaps they left that allow our young hero, Khairul, to score that vital winning goal that sank the Thais. With 10 minutes left, the Thais grew even more impatient and wanted to gain the possession back whenever they lose it. What were the Thais thinking by having 3 of their players marking down one Singapore player at close range? So when the final whistle blew, their fate is sealed and Singapore bring home the Cup.
Good job Lions! Singapore is very very proud of you. =)
BUT! I didn't really sit down and watch the whole 90 minutes. Was hopping between Channel U and Channel 5.
The Grand Final of Project Superstar 2 also quite interesting mahAnyway, was hoping that it was Diya who won cause she really is the better performer between the 2. But once again, the male won, all thanks to higher vote count.
Speaking of which, there are a lot of similarities between PSS 1 and PSS 2 grand Finals. Let me list a few...
1) The contestant not favoured by the judges won. (Diya won 3 out 5 rounds)
2) The female contestant always have this "exploding head" hairstyle. What is wrong with Mediacrop hairstylists?
3) The female contestant have a costume that rooted her to the ground. (Kelly wore the purple gown while singing "被爱的女人" and didn't move much. Diya even better. Standing on top of a platform with a costume i have no words to describe)
Anyway, whoever won doesn't matter. It is the fans who determine how far Daren or Diya will go in the
already-very-congested Chinese Music industry.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:56 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Was browsing through some pics in my computer when i found these 2.

This was taken on the day the 26th Batch of Combat Divers become official divers. It was definitely a proud moment cause the journey is not a simple one. Hooya!

Kevin, my forever buddy and me. Kind of sad that he went over to UDG while i am in CDG.
Life at NDU is really interesting. Glad i am in such a "happening" vocation. Maybe my 2 years isn't a waste of time...
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:55 PM
Embracing a new way of life...
Life at CDG is... well, good i would say. Work from 8 to 5, not much things to do(cause we have not learn some things so...) and ya, this was what happened for the last 5 days.
The change in culture is something that needs time to adjust to, but should not be a problem. Still relatively unclear about my new unit but i am sure more diving and more sailing on ships will come along.
Now, the only thing to look forward is ORD. Haha.
Just woke up after sleeping 18 hours.
18 hours?!Yes, you read that correctly. 18 hours. Didn't expect to sleep so long though. Was planning for just a short nap using my half day off on Friday. But next thing i know, it is Saturday morning, 0815. Hee hee.
Guess i am so tired is due to the location of my unit. No matter what time i slept on the previous night, i had to drag myself out of bed by 0515 the next morning. Wah lao, tiring you know? Than by the time i reach home from my unit, it is at least 6 plus in the evening. The travelling times plus the horrendous waking up time... my body need adjusting...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:22 AM