Monday, February 26, 2007
Crazy Weekend...
Last weekend was simply crazy but it also prove that going without sleep is something that i have gotten used to, all thanks to Hellweek.
I was in bed for less than 8 hours. Throughout the whole weekend, i was not at home but rather, i was at other people's home. Played Ban Lat and Manjong like there is no tomorrow. Got a few Ban Ban here and there but when it comes to manjong, Lady Luck seems to be sleeping. Oh well, you win here, you lose there.
Anyway, managed to squeeze a bit of time out to catch Jack Neo's Just Follow Law.

Nice show and good job in portraying the restrictions faced when getting jobs done in the public sector. Well of course the movie also bring out other social problems but that is another story. Main thing is that in my opinion, I don't feel that the show is criticising the government but rather, it is criticising the protocol and unwritten rules that we see everywhere. Protocol is important, no doubt but it lacks flexibilty and hinder jobs which can be settled quickly. On a lighter note, I must salute Fann Wong for her professionalism. It is definitely a very challenging role for her and i must say she has done very well. Oh, another memorable character from the movie is that bald Indian Security Guard. You just can't stop laughing at his plight.
Talking about movies, the 79th Academy Awards took place this morning. Um, there was no surprise in the Best Actor and Best Actress category and i was hoping that Letters From Iwo Jima can clinch the Best Picture.

Sad to say, The Departed got the nod from the judges over at the Oscars.

However, as we all know, The Departed in short is the trilogy of Infernal Affairs condensed into one. If it can clinch Best Picture, it just goes to show that Asia has talents who can produce movies that are of Hollywood standard, or even better...
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:34 PM