Friday, February 16, 2007
Yes i am going to talk about the Budget report by the government, in case you are wondering.
Don't worry, it is going to be short.
7% GST?! I should just hide in my camp forever or go into some mountain to be a hermit. Things are getting expensive year by year. Oh man...
I don't study economics so i don't really know whether this Budget report is going to be helpful or stressful to normal peeps like me. I guess as long as i have a roof over my head, enough to survive(eat, drink, wear, go for my pilgrimage trip(tozan
lah) and the occassional splurge) till i die and do not get myself into debts i should be happy. Life is short, no doubt. So do not make things complicated and instead indulge oneself in the simple pleasures of life.
Which means, we should eat more Chinese New Year goodies! Isn't enjoying the goodies a simple pleasure of life? What a great excuse. Hahaha
Oh, before i forget, i want to wish everyone
Happy Chinese New Year!
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:43 PM