Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I think... i studied way too much.
Cause i
cannot stop analysing advertisments!
I just completed my advertising module and i think i absorbed the theory way too deep. Sometimes, when i walk pass any advertisment, my mind will start to think what is the advertising message and objectives. Than my thoughts carry me further, thinking whether the advertiser want to have reach or frequency. Lastly, i will think how does the advertisment appeals to us. This goes on and on for every advertisment i see till i reach home.
Than the whole shit start again when i turned on my TV.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:34 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
In case you didn't know, i am a Arsenal fan.
Now now, don't start your anti-Arsenal chants. I didn't start any anti-
whatever chant right?
Anyway, you may ask me, out of the current Big 4, why Arsenal? Reason is very simply, almost laughable. At the point of time when i start noticing soccer and the EPL, i don't like Man U. So i decided to support any team other than Man U. Hence the birth of my undying support for Arsenal ever since.
Everyone knows Arsenal is facing a very rough patch. Once top of the league and 5 points clear, they are poised to win the EPL and their confidence was boosted when they sent off AC Milan to cruise to the the next stage of the Champion League. Than everything goes downhill, with the injury of Eduardo da Silva the worst of all matters.
To me, it is very disheartening when i flipped open the newspaper and the headline screamed the defeat of Arsenal. And it is even sadder when friends put down Arsenal, saying it is this this this and that that that.
But, i have faith in Arsene Wenger. You can't deny his shrewd eye for young talents. Just look at his youthful team. They once reached the final of the Champion League, a remarkable achievement i would say when there are hardly any big names in the team.
So i hope Arsene Wenger will put his talent to good use again, spotting young talents during the season break, bring them in, mould them into an even excellent and bring in the silverware. It is kind of
sian when three seasons down the road and no silverware. Also, i hope he bring in some experienced players too. We need them, seriously.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:48 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Latest Addition
On 11th April 2008, a cute little boy by the name of Rain Tok Qi Hong joined the 6.6 Billion people living on Planet Earth.
Yes, he is my family latest bundle of joy, joining the ranks of Chee Chao and Si En.
Oh man, i think i am falling in love with him. He is just too cute!

link | Kaiz scribble at 2:42 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Captain Planet
Some days ago, my classmates and i were discussing about the current state of the Earth we live in. I love my Earth and it is kind of sad that it is falling sick and experiencing a painful and slow death unless we do something about it. So it is always encouraging when scientists or any other person come up with ways to save our dear Earth.
Our discussion eventually lead to an old cartoon we love when we were kids. I am sure many of my peers have seen the cartoon too. In fact, we feel that the cartoon should make its re-appearance as the context of the cartoon is so so revelant to the current situation of the Earth.
Introducing Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
Labels: Video
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:05 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
I am just a young boy, trying to make sense of the world i am living in.
Nope, this is definitely NOT the starting of my self-introduction.
What i am trying to say is, am i living in a mad world?
Right before me, i am living in a world dominated by weirdos who insisted on waging unconventional wars against normal people, prompting the so-called "leader" of the normal people to wage a conventional war against them, hence plaguing the already very messy world into a even messier state. And look who is suffering at the end? The pathetic group of normal people who is not involved yet they have to bear the end consequences. Have we not learned enough from the previous world wars? Must we go through the painful process of wars after wars before we finally understand that war, no matter conventionally or unconventionally, is something that will damage humankind and no one stands to gain any thing?
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is round the corner and the symbolic Olympic Flame is making its way around the globe. However, the Flame met with a lot of trouble during the way, with supporters of various campaigns advocating Tibet's freedom holding protests in the cities the Flame will pass through. What saddens me is that the Flame was almost hijacked at Paris. What is the world coming to?
In my honest opinion, and note, i am not going to be kind with words here, i feel the protests are absolutely rubbish, a waste of time and i seriously look down on the people who took part in the protests. The Olympic Games is a major sporting event celebrating the best in sports and it is an honour for any country to host it. So, why bloodly disturb it? Sure, you may be displeased with China's response regarding the protests in Tibet or disappointed with their poor human rights record. But hey, can't you wait for the Olympic Games to end before starting your protests? Disturbing the Flame is really, a very childish thing to do.
What makes me want to laugh out loud is that there are people who are foolish enough to create campaigns calling for the boycotting of Chinese goods. My goodness, are you sure? Before you start to stop buying Chinese goods, take a look around your house and identify the Chinese goods. If you are serious about boycotting Chinese goods, you should throw away all the Chinese goods in your house. Don't forget to look at the clothes you are wearing too. My guess is, at the end of the day, what is left in your house may be just you, naked.
Now i understand why people are not giving birth. Nah, it is not the pain. It is because they don't want to bring another life into this mad world. And boy, we better wake up before the human race is classified under endangered species of the world.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:42 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tedsi's Birthday...
We celebrated Tedsi's birthday yesterday. Even though it is a low key event, it is still heartwarming to have someone remembering your birthday and coming specially over to your house to celebrate with you. I guess this is just one of the many ways to celebrate friendship.

What we didn't know is that Tedsi's dad also bought a cake...

I wonder whether will anyone remember my birthday...
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:16 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Life have been rather stale these days.
Somehow, i felt i am distanced by everyone. I can't seem to find a sense of belonging with anyone. Everything these days is so so superficial. Superficial to the stage i feel sick of it.
Maybe it is because of my innate fear of being too intimate with anyone that causes me to be singled out in the world. Truth be told, i am afraid of anyone entering my innermost wall and looking at me bare naked.
Yes, i may have close friends. But, how well do they know me? I keep hell lots of things inside me, never uttering a word to anyone. And i am sure they are in a way frustrated with me too.
Furthermore, because of my refusal to break out of my inner wall and my refusal to overcome my fear of being too intimate with anyone, relationship failures are common.
I think... i need to look at myself again...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:48 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Too Much Time on Their Hands It struck Leo Hill, 81, of Lakewood, Colo., that he was being shorted sheets of toilet paper (in the 12-pack, whose rolls allegedly yielded fewer sheets than similar rolls in the 4-pack), and he earnestly counted 60 rolls, sheet by sheet, concluding that the shortage amounted to enough paper to service one sit-down session per roll. He took his complaint to the Denver Post (and even to the Better Business Bureau), but the reporter, trying to replicate Leo's work, found no shortage, in Leo's brand or eight others. [Denver Post, 1-26-08]
Wah Piang. I hope i don't do that when i am 81 years old. But than again, that depends whether i can live to that age. Maybe i can if i quit some of my habits, like surfing the net and coming across this piece of news...
link | Kaiz scribble at 3:44 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Million Blog List

This is an experiment to see how long it will take to get 1 million blogs to list themselves on their site out of around 70 million blogs said to be in existence.
So do check out
Million Blog ListI am #205 by the way.
Spread this around baby!
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:20 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Please knock some sense into mankind to rid himself of his obsession with superpowers, or superheroes. Please.

Issac Ritz
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:02 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Yesterday morning was spent sweeping tombs.
For (i think) 3 years consecutively, i have been sweeping the tomb of my great-grandfather, my great-grandmother and my grandfather respectively. Seriously, up to now, i don't know what is the place where they are buried called.
But i am glad that at least next year, i am still sweeping their tomb and not visiting their ash urn.
Sweeping tomb may be very boring, especially when you have to climb slopes and fight off mosquitoes. But sweeping tomb to the Chinese is a very important custom. Paying respect and remembering your ancestors is a very important thing as you appreciate and thank for who you are now.
I am glad i went.
Though i don't know why.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:24 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Education is important. No doubts about it. Hence the saying, 活到老,学到老.
Schools are therefore important cause they provide the place whereby learning can take place and there is room for mistakes. Besides, who can deny the fact that the time spent in school is one of the most wonderful times in life?
But school is after all just a building. As my secondary school's vice-principal put it simply, the school is the hardware and the teachers are the software. So teachers are very important, even more important than the school. Cause they are the ones who educate and sculpt us to what we are today. Do i need to mention examples whereby the effort of a teacher can change the life of a student? 所谓一日为师,终生为父.
Now you may wonder why out of the blue i am talking about teachers. Teacher Day is at least 5 months away. Long story. Explain later.
My point is, always appreciate and respect your teachers, no matter how bad or good they are.
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:26 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Brain Dead...
I actually have a lot of things to blog about. But, i can't recall any of it right now.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:25 PM