Thursday, April 03, 2008
Education is important. No doubts about it. Hence the saying, 活到老,学到老.
Schools are therefore important cause they provide the place whereby learning can take place and there is room for mistakes. Besides, who can deny the fact that the time spent in school is one of the most wonderful times in life?
But school is after all just a building. As my secondary school's vice-principal put it simply, the school is the hardware and the teachers are the software. So teachers are very important, even more important than the school. Cause they are the ones who educate and sculpt us to what we are today. Do i need to mention examples whereby the effort of a teacher can change the life of a student? 所谓一日为师,终生为父.
Now you may wonder why out of the blue i am talking about teachers. Teacher Day is at least 5 months away. Long story. Explain later.
My point is, always appreciate and respect your teachers, no matter how bad or good they are.
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:26 PM