Sunday, October 29, 2006
Nothing much this week, as usual. Rather moody as we booked out quite late on sat. Kind of disrupt any plans for the weekend.
Began diving with a new set this week. Called the LAR V, it is a CCBA set which in short means that no air(bubbles) will escape the set and that the user is breathing recycled air. It is meant for stealth la... haha. Although it is quite cool that no bubbles can escape and that you can swim underwater without being noticed, the preparation, the knowledge behind it and the dangers are so uncool. Setting the set up is a long and tedious process, which i will not and can not go into details here. There are more risks involved and it takes a while to get used to the set. Oh well.
Went out with Wei Yang and Wei Jie last night. Been a long while since i saw them. Still the same but they have changed in some ways. Rather happy to catch up with them and maybe i should start catching up with some other old friends...
Back to guitar...
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:08 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Old days...
After reading my god-brother's blog, a stream of emotions flooded me.
Before i was enlisted, i was very active in my religion. I still remembers the days where i would trot around the island, attending meetings held at places from Bedok to Jurong. I still remember the group that literally handled everything, from Kenshu to the monthly Student Activity. Meetings would always end late and we would always catch the last train home. It is also a miracle how we manage to balance friendships, studies and meetings. Weekends was basically reserved for religion. We had fun too. Outings from time to time were a great time to bond. Conflicts were inevitable, some were resolved while some were left as it is, but not without leaving scars in our heart.
As time passed, the group changed. Some of us including me moved on to new things in life and got caught up with it. Luckily for us, new blood emerged to replace us in the group. For the whole of this year, this new group did what we did in the past. Their biggest test is coming in the form of Kenshu and it will be one hell of a test. But i have confidence in them and i am sure they will be able to emulate our success.
The time has come for me to go back to where i originally and still belong to. I hope those who have left the group will be able to join me in helping out for the Kenshu. I miss them, really. I still remember the times where we had tons of fun and all the crazy things we did. Not forgetting the rush for meetings and how we always settle things in the last minute. Although i know it is now impossible to repeat the things we did last time, i hope to catch up with them and relive some good old memories.
Just hope this tiny wish can come true...
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:13 PM
Yes i am lazy... pure lazy. Left this space blank for 2 weeks intentionally. Nothing interesting happened, really. My life is as such, boring. Haha.
A few updates...
Went for depth dive at a lake. Forgot the spelling of the lake but it is located very near to Ten Mile Junction and Little Guilin. Went to a depth of 25m. Weet. However, the water sucks, totally. Dirty is too kind a word to describe it. The water smells like rotten eggs or rotten something and boy am i glad that i won't be visiting it ever again.
Got myself a guitar... finally. Learnt the very very very basics liao. Now trying to master a song or two. Will be a looooong journey i predict.
Watched Death Note in the wee hours again as usual. Haha.

Nice show. Um... didn't read the manga so i don't know how close the movie follow the comic series. But the show is entertaining enough and the plot good enough. A must watch movie this Oct.
Back to guitar now...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:27 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Nothing spectacular this week. Started sea diving and night diving. Wah lao eh! Sembawang sea really cannot make it! You know normally if you dive in a sea, you can at least see quite a distance ahead of you. But over at Sembawang, you would count yourself lucky if you can see 2 metres ahead of you. So practically, day dive and night dive don't really make much of a difference. Furthermore, the seabed is SUPER dirty. I can see tons of rubbish down there. Thank youuu Malaysia. Don't try to shift the blame on us ya? Some of the brands of the rubbish down there can only be found in Malaysia okay?
Tired is all i can say. Night dives normally end very late. By the time we hit the bed, it is around 11 plus. After which at 4 plus, we have to get up again to set up the dive site and seaboats. Furthermore, the program was so packed that we had no time to go back to our cabin for rest and sometimes, we had to dive almost immediately after we consumed our meals. It is a mad scramble for time everyday and i can foresee it to continue next week. Sianz...
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:22 PM