Sunday, October 22, 2006
Yes i am lazy... pure lazy. Left this space blank for 2 weeks intentionally. Nothing interesting happened, really. My life is as such, boring. Haha.
A few updates...
Went for depth dive at a lake. Forgot the spelling of the lake but it is located very near to Ten Mile Junction and Little Guilin. Went to a depth of 25m. Weet. However, the water sucks, totally. Dirty is too kind a word to describe it. The water smells like rotten eggs or rotten something and boy am i glad that i won't be visiting it ever again.
Got myself a guitar... finally. Learnt the very very very basics liao. Now trying to master a song or two. Will be a looooong journey i predict.
Watched Death Note in the wee hours again as usual. Haha.

Nice show. Um... didn't read the manga so i don't know how close the movie follow the comic series. But the show is entertaining enough and the plot good enough. A must watch movie this Oct.
Back to guitar now...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:27 PM