Kaiz's Footprints

To Protect, Practise and to Propagate

About Me

  • Name: Tok Aik Kai aka Yi Kai
  • Date i come to this world: 11 Sept 1987
  • Location: Singapore(Love it and proud of it!)
  • Contact me:
  • Horoscope/Zodiac: Virgo/Rabbit
  • Currently: Trying to survive Mass Communication
  • At the pier
    Must Read!

    Sunday, September 10, 2006

    Recently there is this 'someone" out there who has too much time on his hand. So, he decided to flood my tagboard with insults. Using the name "Anonymous" or "ndu batchmate" to hide his identity, he insult me firstly with vulgarities and claimed that i reported sick everyday during hellweek. Well, i admit i visit the medical tent a number of times during hellweek but definitely not the extent of everyday and it was clearly stated in my previous post. So whoever you are, if you are reading this, wake up. Stop being childish. Hellweek is long over and my conscience is clear.

    Anyway, enough about him. Went to Pulau Sudong and Palau Senang this week to do underwater demolition training. Kind of enjoy it cause the place is like a paradise. Firstly, the water is clear, MUCH more clearer that the one at Sembawang. The fact that you can see the seabed near the shore explains quite a lot you know? Secondly, the island is quiet and peaceful and NO mosquitoes. Wow. Don't mind living on the island you know?

    The trip to Sudong and Senang was rather successful. No whacking session, no wet and sandy and we slept on safari beds. How cool is that? Haha. Oh, in case you are wondering, safari beds are like stretchers. =) The bad points of the trip is that we had to eat combat rations for 3 days. Oh my goodness. By the third day, i was skipping the main meal and crunching on biscuits instead. Seriously, the biscuits are much more nicer. Than we had to travel on this vessel which look like a landing ship, you know, the ones that carry soldiers from the big ships to the beach and when it land, the front part open and the soldiers charge out. Um, it was fun initially to travel in it but it get kind of wobbly when it stop moving and the feeling get worse after eating the combat rations. Furthermore, because it has no shelter, it is damn hot especially when you are wearing a BLACK wetsuit and the sun is directly above you. Guess what, this experience will repeat again in the near future. Oh...

    Was appointed firer again. Again?! Kind of stunned as i was one of the firers for the land demolition training and was thinking that i won't be choosen again. But oh well, it is either the instructors don't like me or there is some conspiracy to kill me, the fact is, i am one of the firers for the underwater demolition training. Did the same shit and glad to be out in one piece. Haha. However, the experience would be even better if i didn't lose my mask. Had to sign 1206 i think and don't ask me how i lost it. One word, carelessness.

    Played Magic: The Gathering yesterday. Had lots of fun as it is the first time i play Draft format. Blame it on my lousy drafting skills, my deck was not good enough to defeat my friends. Nevermind, revenge can be sought later. Went over to geylang for dinner. Initially my friends and I want to play . But after the first stop, heck la. Just walk and eat whatever catch our interest. At the end of the day, $12 for a fulfilling meal.

    Currently addicted to The Sims 2 and really, no game can replace it as the best PC game ever produced. Now i seek your understanding as i end here and return to my fantasy land. =)

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