Monday, December 08, 2008
Um, juz not too long ago, i was at home shaking legs and laughing at the other planning teams for this year Kenshu.
Then a fateful meeting at Eileen's house caused a bomb to drop, a big one in fact and logistics planning goes into full steam ahead.
When i mean full steam, wah lao, really full steam. Every day got to worry about this, about that. Transportations la, equipment la, all these worries are endless. I am just one step short of pulling apart my hair.
It seems like i got everything covered, but something at the back of my mind says no and i have overlooked some details. Wah kao. The civil war in my mind more chaotic than the one the Americans fought last time.
Plus, on top of all these, i am part of the planning team for the RSAKR study part 3 presentation on the 2nd day. And the planning is also full steam ahead, soon to reach the last hurdle.
I will survive!
I think.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:50 PM