Monday, December 29, 2008
Kenshu 2008
Kenshu is finally over... woohoo!
First of all, three cheers to all the planning teams who have put in their best efforts to make this Kenshu a success. You guys rockz!
During the planning stages, there are laughter and inevitably, there are conflicts too. But i am glad you guys have been forgiving enough to resolve the conflicts in a mature way and not let the conflicts defeat us. Thanks guys.
I dare say this is the Kenshu that i have the most feelings. Maybe it is because i am the logistics head but whatever it is, i am glad it is finally over and it is a success and it didn't screw up too much.
The overall feeling that i took away is appreciation. I have truly learned to appreciate things and people. I really appreciate anyone who is willing to go out of his/her way to help me. Really thank you. To you, it may seems like a small gesture, but to me, it is something big. Thank you so much and i really appreciate your effort.
Okay, as 2009 approaches, we should look forward and strive hard in our faith and attend 2009 General Tozan without fail, no matter which batch you are in. Let us all pledge to make it to Taisekiji no matter what, even if we have to swim or crawl there.
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:31 PM