Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Um, first thing first. Can i shift your attention to the chatterbox on your left?
Okay good.
Now, other than js, who is simply Jessica, and sara, who is also simply Sara and Kaiz, who is me, the author of this blog, you would find comments left by other readers, anonymous,
passerby and passerby's nemesis. I do not know who they are and well, i am not that interested to know either.
I appreciate anonymous and passerby's nemesis comments. Thanks so much for the support. Oh, passerby's nemesis, i don't think he/she is a believer.
passerby, well, let me just say a few things to you.
The fact that you use a fake name,
passerby, indicates that you do not wish to reveal your identity. Fine with me. I mean, well, in this world of internet, it is perfectly okay to hide your true identity. But i never believe in hiding behind a fake identity and insult people. This is simply a outright cowardice action and trust me, i have things better to do than to deal with cowards.
Second, to me, i never really like to talk much about my religion. If you bother to look through my archives, you would find that posts about my religion are well, less than 10% maybe? I mean, this is an open blog, meaning my blog can be read by anyone, including you passerby. So i try to reduce posting posts that are VERY personal and instead concentrate more on general events. I mean, there are some things in life which i feel on a very personal level but i do not want to tell the whole world about it. So i refrain from posting the events on this blog and prefer to either keep it in my memory or write it down somewhere else where it is accessible to me alone. Hence my initial reaction on not revealing my religion when first probed.
If you must know, my religion is Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and Kaimyo-in refer to the name of my temple. There is nothing to hide and i don't see being proud about it or not or whether i should proudly say it loudly or not relevant to the conversation we had earlier. Simple as that. I am damn sure i reserve the right whether or not i want to mention the name of my religion on this blog, my blog.
Thirdly, you can ask about anything you read on this blog and i will do my best to answer your queries. Take note that some questions which i feel i don't feel like answering i will avoid answering. But, can you at least show some BASIC respect and courtesy and ask questions in a nice way? I mean, seriously, asking questions with a tone of sarcasm isn't exactly to me a nice way of asking questions.
Fourthly, if you feel offended, you can always move on and away. To me, i am a nobody in this blog world. I am not those famous bloggers like Mr. Brown, Xiaxue or Kennysia. My blog is a platform for me to air my views, not a platform for me to earn money through blog ads or to generate high traffic into my blog. If you realise, there are NO ads in my blog. Simply because i believe the last thing my small circle of readers would want to see is blog ads telling them that they can have a flat tummy in 5 days. Speaking of which, i am thankful to you guys, my small circle of readers for your support. =) So,
passerby, if you feel that you are disturbed or offended, you can always delete this URL from your browser.
Lastly, what i want to say is, i hope the above 4 points bring my message across to you clearly. If you find the above points offensive, i humbly offer my apology. I want to clarify things and not let the chatterbox on the left become a war zone.
However, just to let you know, i am desperately trying to control my emotions. I am kind of busy nowadays and i need a channel to vent my pin-up feelings. Seriously, i was really thinking of insulting you real bad. But, hey, i respect you for who you are and let us just end this thing here.
Although i have to say this, no matter what.
FUCK OFF, MORON. I had enough of a HALF WIT COWARD by the assumed name of
passerby trying to piss me off.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:06 AM