Thursday, October 23, 2008
Nov 4, 2008 is coming. It is an important day because it is the last day of my freedom before my first ever reservist.
What chey~? 2 weeks of being in service AGAIN after my 2 years is not something i look forward to okay? Furthermore i just ORD not too long ago and really, i love my life as a civilian. =)
On the bright side, the faster i complete my reservist, the better it will be for me. Imagine trying to run 2.4km at the age of 30. Wah, super shag and sianz. Besides, there will be no more call-ups, no more sacrificing of time just to go back to dive in not-very-nice waters and i can enjoy overseas trips in peace without worrying that i will be charged should i fail to notify Mindef of my absence. Not very funny when you have to report to the government where you are going.
Anyway, on Nov 4, 2008, halfway around the globe, something BIG is happening. Yes. The Amercians are going to choose their next president. This is ONE election the whole world is talking about because whoever is replacing George Bush at the White House is going to have an impact that is slightly lighter than a meteor's on the world.
Although i am not part of the electorate, i can have a preference right? Personally, i would prefer Barack Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden to enter the White House. I just feel the world will become a better place to live in and the economy will pick up should Barack Obama becomes the next US President. Don't ask me why. Gut feeling.

HOWEVER, IF the election is based just on looks alone, Sarah Palin get my vote. To me, she is the HOTTEST political candidate ever to run for such a big election. Look, she is an ex-Beauty Queen! No, not even Hillary Clinton nor the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is close in terms of hotness.

Just look at her. Wow. 5 kids later and she still looks as though she is in her 30s.

If only the election is so easy...
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:58 PM