Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wee... today is Singapore Youth Kenshu 2007 and it was a blast! All the preparation, all the hard work and sweat put into it has finally paid off and it ended with a high note, leaving everyone in high spirits.
The bold approach of using technology and visual stimulating presentations to present buddhism is a big plus plus. Kudos to the planning team for making
cheem buddhism so much more easy to digest. The night programme was good, really. Everyone was entertained by the kids, whose innocence was overflowing. Who could forget that cute little boy holding a banner indicating changes in scene? Haha. Furthermore, everyone was treated to songs and dances performed by talented people and seriously, if you are not entertained by them, you must be a statue. =)
Now, it is time to take a mini break before going all out to prepare for the biggest event yet, the Cultural performance in celebration of the opening of our temple...
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:13 PM