Sunday, April 29, 2007
Just watched 200 Pounds Beauty recently.

My friends, who have been urging me to catch the show, is so right. Definitely a nice show. At the end, you will feel warm inside and that inner beauty is still the most attractive quality of a woman. Furthermore, the songs in the movie are simply great! Maria! Ave Maria!
Oh, don't you think that the female lead look like Shu Qi? Hmmm...
Went for a drink at night with Randy, Kang Wei and Wei Chuan at this unique pub call Archipelago at Boat Quay.

Over there, it serves 6 kind of beer, all different in their taste. Can't really tell the difference though, haha. Each of us picked one flavour that suit our tastebuds, though i don't understand why mine is the bitter one. =/
Anyway, i just made myself poorer today. Bought the ticket to catch
The Phantom Of The Opera show.

Woohoo! Been wanting to catch this show for a long long time. Although the ticket is a
bit expensive, but hey! It is worth it man! Now to just figure out the meals for the days leading up to my payday...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:24 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Been tanning myself recently, accidently. You see, i was
arrowed by my superior to be part of the marching contingent for RSN(Republic of Singapore Navy) Day. Due to the fact that the day is drawing nearer, there is a rehearsal every alternate day. Than, don't know and don't understand why, everytime there is a rehearsal, the sun would be shining as bright as it can shine. Than, on days where there is no rehearsal, the sun would be hiding somewhere, storing energy so it can torture us at the next rehearsal.
But Lee Mei said i look more handsome this way, and because of that, i shall not hold grudges against the It is hard to say for tomorrow though. May set up some altar at some super good
fengshui place to perform rites to curse the sun. =)
Was talking to Kang Wei about Chemistry on the way home. I was glad to realise that even after 1 year plus, i could still remember quite a lot on A Level Chem. I didn't really like Chemistry in the first place. But i don't know why, the more i study about it, the more my interest in it grow. I can still remember Hydrogen Bonding, the main type of bonding in ice and water and the electronic configuration of an atom.
Wow. Am i good or what? Hahahaha
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:05 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
I decided to make some changes to my playlist. From now on, i shall take out Ayu's songs and consolidate them into another playlist.
Why? For my listening pleasure. Hahahah.
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:50 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Channel 8 has been airing trailers for the new show, 神雕侠侣 recently. Well, after watching so many versions of it, many can memorise the story and who can forget the famous phrase, 问世间情为何物,只叫人生死相许?
So, what will attract me to watch 神雕侠侣 again is the cast. Sadly, 杨过 and 小龙女 in the new show... well, let just say i won't be spending 4 hours every weekend to catch that drama serial.
However, if they cast 言承旭 as 杨过, 林志玲 as 小龙女, aha! That is a different story...

link | Kaiz scribble at 9:42 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Cage...
Went to The Cage yesterday.

Wah! Good place man! If anyone tells you that The Cage is the best place to play street soccer, he is so right. Basically The Cage is just a space confined by nets and cushions for people to play street soccer in. However, the feeling when playing inside is wonderful cause no external factors will affect your game. The only thing that matters is your opponents who will try their utmost best to prevent you from scoring. In short, the gameplay is elevated to a stage where only you and the ball matters. Wow. This kind of feeling is addictive man. Once you step into The Cage, you really don't want to come out. Just play and play.
However! Because i play too much, my lower body is aching and every step i take is not a very comfortable feeling. Haha. My groin is hurting, my thighs are sending me tired signals and kneeling or sitting is not giving me any relief either.
So the best position is still to lie down, which means... a good reason to sleep. =)
Oh! Before i drift off, just wanted to say i added a music playlist to my blog! It is to your right, just under the clock.
Enjoy! And feel free to tell me what other songs you want to hear so maybe i can add in...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:22 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
Yesterday evening was spent at this Hong Kong Kim Gary Restaurant.

Wah! The food very very nice wor! Haha. The baked rice is simply excellent, especially when the topping is cheese. Furthermore, the serving is quite generous and the price isn't that costly. No wonder people start queueing since 5 plus. What i like about the restaurant is their not bad customer service. You see, we enter the restaurant at around 6, but because we were waiting for another 2 more person, we started ordering at around 6 plus and we left at 8. Throughout the 2 hours spent in the restaurant, i can say we were the most noisy group of customers. Yet, we were not given any "warning" and their waitresses were rather patient with us, despite our "many" requests. =)

See how much junk we ordered... but most of them are drinks la... haha

link | Kaiz scribble at 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
I am SOOOO bored. Stuck at home with nothing to do and i have a sudden urge to go K!
But, no one is free. =(
Besides, i am kind of tired to step out of the house. Was asked to go back to camp yesterday night at 2345. WAH LAO!
The duty team was activated so the standby team(which is me) has to go back.
Damn, i should stop whining and find some stuff to do. Maybe K-ing at home will be fun.
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:18 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
To those who encouraged me,
Arigato Gozaimasu!(Hope i got the spelling right...)
Well, at this stage, i guess i shall leave things to Gohonzon. Haha. Kind of lazy to think about it, since i have 10 months before ORD. Now, what matters is the company of family and friends and good music. Speaking of which, i finally lay my hands on her latest albums! Woohoo!

Both albums promise to deliver the best songs from her previous 4 or 5 albums. Actually, i am quite satisfied with the songlist, though i would prefer some other songs to be included. For the time being, these 2 CDs will be hogging my discman. Hope i have enough batteries though. =)
Nothing much happened over these few days. Was sick before the Student Advance. Kind of a good thing though. Gave me the rest i badly needed. Student Advance was good. Finally, more time is allocated to games. But hor, don't just travel around Siglap lah. Try whole Singapore lah. Haha.
Oh ya, did my first duty last Sunday. Nothing much actually. Spent the whole day watching TV and sleeping. But hey, it is better than going out to somewhere to find dead bodies. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:07 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Was reading Terence's blog and it bring back something i regretted till now.
I remember after my "A" Level exams, there is this ad in my school looking for a relief teacher. Can't remember the school though. Was rather interested as i love sharing knowledge and i get to relive secondary school life again. But i don't know why, i never apply and this decision is something i regretted.
The period from the end of my "A" Level exams to the start of my National Service was one of the most messy period in my life. My luck in finding jobs was lousy and i never stay in a job for long. Maybe, if i had apply for that relief teacher post, i might have got it and i would enjoy the days before my NS. Furthermore, i would also be enriching myself and hopefully making school enjoyable for the class i teach.
But, life is not always smooth sailing. All these are just part of the past and no use dwelling on it.
Yet, i still can't forgive myself for letting the chance slip away. Although i have decided to pursue Mass Comm as my degree of choice, my heart is still in a mess. I don't know whether i should continue with Mass Comm or start my uni life in NIE.
Life is all about making choices. Just hope i can make my choice soon.
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:29 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Been a while since i visit Orchard Road and nothing much changed, except the company i am going with. Normally, i would be alone to do some retail therapy, or with some friends who can't get enough of Kinokuniya. But this time, i have the company of the the Lee's sisters, Jia Quan and Kang Wei which make me re-experience the wonders of Orchard Road again.
Woman, they can really shop. Can you imgaine we spent 6 hours at only 3 places?! Furthermore, Lee Mei knows where the bargains are and where can we find good quality clothes which never goes out of fashion at a reasonable price.
What make this trip a worthwhile trip is that i learned from them a lot of things. It is okay to splurge once in a while and always do "investment". Expensive clothings that brings out the best in you and that can fit any occasion are the most worthwhile "investment" despite their price. Shopping is not all about buying lots of things, but rather, buying the right things.
I should go on more shopping trips with them...
Anyway, went to pay respect to my ancestors this morning. My great-grandfather, great-grandmother and grandfather are still buried in their tombs and accessing them wasn't really an easy task, especially if the tombs are located on a slope. But nevertheless, it is something that my cousins and i must do. In the past, i would always go unwillingly because not only do i have to wake up in the wee hours, i have to endure the attacks from mosquitoes, get my shoes all muddy and wet and return home smelling like an incense. But now, i feel different. Can't really describe the feeling but the unwillingness is not there anymore. Instead, a sense of duty has taken over.
I felt i have changed. National Service, my faith in Gohonzon and my practice constitute my change, but hey, i am not complaining.
Anyone still want to donate money for my Japan trip i mentioned in the previous post? Lines are still open...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:35 PM