Saturday, January 20, 2007
An end marks the start of a new beginning...
Finally, Land Phrase is over and it marks the end of my Combat Diver training.
No more being tagged as a trainee, no more being the lowest lifeform in the whole of NDU and lesser restrictions. Woohoo!
Land Phrase ended with FTX(Final Training Exercise). Well, FTX was SUPPOSED to be our show, whereby once we get our mission objective, we are to do everything from the planning to the executing ourselves. It was rather fun and everyone could feel that this is really a wartime situation and we must accomplish the mission without fail. So on the day where we are going to execute the mission, everyone is alert, super-motivated and everything is done nicely. This actually continue throughout the whole mission and it was a success.
Oh, guess i forget to tell you that we were split into two teams. I belong to the first team and we would have enjoyed the mission more if not for the instructors constantly changing our plans but nevertheless, the objective is still met and everyone is glad and happy.
The end of Land Phrase means that we are going to be posted to different units and it means separation for everyone. Most of the guys are posted to UDG while the others CDG. I don't actually mind where i am going but i felt sad that i was separated from my cliche, being the only one out of the whole gang crossing over to CDG. Ouch. Although being in CDG means i do not need to stay in, enjoy 8 to 5 everyday and no more going into the jungle, it is not enough to compensate the loss of being away from my close friends. But alas, i have to suck it up. No point whining and bitching about it at this stage i guess.
The weekend after the FTX is simply crazy for me. Once i book out, i wasn't at home most of the time. Friday was spent drinking with friends and i reach home at around 6 plus in the morning. Than i was out again, to get some shopping done before Oko. This was followed by a midnight movie, Night At The Museum.

It was a great show and surprisingly, it has a good plot for a comedy. Great for people who just want to have a laugh.
Sunday was slightly less hectic than Saturday. At least i am able to take a break before joining my friends for a session of karaoke before booking in.
This week, everyone goes around doing their own stuff. The CDG guys are busy with seaboat handling, a skill essential for being a member of CDG. Everyday is liberty day and seriously, after staying in for so long, liberty seems like something out of the norm. By the third day, everyone is sick of liberty. But hey, since it is a chance to get out of camp, lets not waste it and it is always good to take a breather outside.
For the UDG side, they seems like they have lots of stuff to do. However, what they do is well... secret.
Oh well, i guess changes and separation are just parts and parcels of life. It is how you deal with it that is important.
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:29 PM