Saturday, January 06, 2007
As the days passed, everyone knows that Land Phrase is going to end and we are going to be posted out soon. So generally there is this feeling of expectation and excitement. "Where are i going? What are we going to do in the Final Mission?" are just some the thoughts everyone have.
Oh well, i don't really care so much as this is just my National Service. Where i go my superior decide for me. Complete my training, my service and hooya! Back to the civilian world! But now that we are going to shake off the title of "trainee", everyone can't help but feel.. relieved. As our now Staff Neo always says, "You guys are just trainees, the lowest life form in NDU." So getting out of Dive School is in a way a promotion... well at least the 27th Batch will be the lowest life-form now, not us. Haha.
What am i saying? Anyway, to sum it up, just glad to be out of Dive School and move over to the Ops Unit, whichever it may be.
Last 2 days in camp was simply... heaven. Thursday was simple lecture in the morning and a movie in the afternoon and another one in the evening.
What? Movies??Yes yes, the first movie was titled "Bravo Two Zero". Based on a true story, it shows 8 men from SAS, British elite force carrying out a mission behind enemy lines in Iraq during the Gulf War in 1991. Wow, can really see that they are highly trained as they can inflict a lot of damage before being caught. Our Course Commander for Land Phrase wanted us to see this movie because it is related to our training...
Okie... kind of scary you know. Please, let us don't get involved in any war.
The second one was Umizaru 2.

Need i say more? But do take note they are Coast Guards Divers while we are Military Divers. So job scope different and no, none of us will ever become a hero like Daisuke Sensaki. Haha.
Friday was slack too. Morning was spent clearing out space for the 27th Batch while afternoon was training on a... um... how do i say it? Just take it as normal training ba. Haha.
Went for JJ Nite(a programme of JJ orientation camp) after booking out. Somehow, the mood was different. In the past, up till 10 plus, everyone was still very high, shouting cheers and dancing like there is no tomorrow. This year, however, they included a session whereby everyone was supposed to cry and appreciate the OGLs for the effort they put in right in the middle of JJ Nite. Thought that was supposed to leave for the last day? Oh well...
Walking down the school campus did bring back lots of memories. It seems just like yesterday that i am a normal student rushing around for lessons yet now i am an ex-student, living a life after the JC phrase. How time flies...
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:43 AM