Friday, December 29, 2006
Been a while since i updates, no thanks to my laziness.
Anyway, life has been simple and plain during my absence. I am no drama king so i don't have excitement in every moment of my life.
Went for the Student Kenshu during the Christmas weekend. A rather rejuvenating experience i would say. Though i didn't really enjoy it as much as the previous ones, no thanks to some problems, i dare say i learnt the most from this Kenshu. Let me just strive hard in my faith, practice and studies and welcome the new year with rejuvenated faith.

Book out last friday... morning. Quite a interesting experience as as you are booking out and going home, you see people coming to work. Cool. Friday was boring though, helping out at home, packing stuff etc. My house is due for renovation so things have to be packed so as to allow the renovation works to be carried out. Will be staying at my big sis's home for a while...
Sat was different. Went for 2 gatherings successively. The 2nd one ended in a disaster... One of my friend had her muscle pulled while engaging in a "physically-demanding" activity. But glad to know she is fine after i met her 1 day later. =)
Than, in the wee hours of Sunday, went for a mini movie marathon. Caught Death note 2 and Curse of the Golden Flower. While Death Note 2 was excellent and provided a very satisfying ending, Golden Flower was a bit disappointing.

Although i knew beforehand that Golden Flower was modified from , a very famous chinese play, i expect something... better. Yes, the acting skills of the actors and actresses (including Jay Chou) were superb but action wise... cannot make it. I mean, when you see Jay Chou led his men clad in Golden Armour rushing through the palace in the trailer, you expect something big, something epic. Sad to say, what the trailer show is what you see in the movie. But the part where the assasins sliding down from dangerous cliff to a mansion (in the movie, that mansion is a inn) to carry out their mission was quite nice though. All in all, after you finished the movie, you had the following realisations.
1) Curse of the Golden Armour is not about big battle scenes but rather the various mind games fought among the characters that is simply heart chilling. Kind of reminded me of The Banquet. But Golden Armour boost better actors and actresses with better acting skills, leaving on you a greater impact.
2) The use of elaborate backdrop is not good for any movie. Wah lao! The whole show you can see gold everywhere! Things ranaging from palace decor, armour to even threads on clothes are all in gold! Kind of distract the viewers from the show you know.
Oh, the well-endowed bosoms of the females in the show, especially Gong Li's one, are VERY distracting. Haha.
Was in a drowsy mood throughout Sunday. In fact, my mind was shut down. Looking stoned and sleeping was what i did on Sunday. Wah kao.
Went for New Year Midnight Gongyo before catching Death Note 2... again. Well cause my
this circle of friends want to catch the movie, so... But i don't count it as wasted lah. Cleared some of my doubts from the 1st time i watched cause the subtitles was simply too fast. Went home, slept and next thing i knew, on a train on my way to East Coast Park. Haha. Attended another gathering but it was not very fun la. Had some fun with the sand, had dinner before staying overnight at a friend's house cause staying over is a much better option than going home.

And that conclude my activities over the past um, 3 or 4 days? Whatever it is, the long break from camp was welcomed gladly and boy, i had fun, lots of it.
On a more personal note... for the past 3 gatherings as mentioned above, this 2 "female" appeared everytime. I don't know, but whenever any one of the 2 is around, i felt... odd. I just can't be the way i am while with other female friends. Oh well... i should just let nature take its course and instead concentrate on saving money for tozan. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:07 PM