Thursday, August 10, 2006
Hellweek is fast approaching. In fact, it will start this sunday. Wow. Somehow, a part of me is saying, "Bring it on!" while another part of me is hoping against hope that i can skip it. That feeling of contradiction is uncomfortable and i like don't a bit of it at all. However, the fact that i have to go through Hellweek is something no one can change and i guess the only way is to accept it with a positive mind. After all, quoting 19th Batch of NDU combat divers Hellweek tee shirt, "I know I am bound for Heaven cause i have been through Hell." Damn right they are.
Anyway, i am having my block leave now.
Block leave again?! Yes, block leave again. But this block leave has a different meaning. The thought that Hellweek will start on the day we book in don't seem to be very pleasant. But heck! Since there is block leave, don't waste it! Been out everyday since tuesday and caught two movies aside from playing pool and arcade.
First up, Click.

Well, i am not convinced that it is a comedy. Really. Rather it is a heartwarming show that send across to us a very clear message. Nothing is this world is more important than your family and never ever neglect them. Nice show and highly recommended.
Next is Dragon Tiger Gate(龙虎门),

Nice show. When 甄子丹 is the action director, he definitely delivers. Normally when a movie is based on some novels or comic series, expectations are high. Think along the lines of Lord Of The Rings and The DaVinci Code. Well, speaking in the shoes of a person who has never see before the comic, i think it is a rather good movie in terms of action. Storyline and plot... well, a bit typical of Hong Kong movies. Anyway, it has been a while since such power-packed fighting is show on screen. Everyone, no, every male love to see some real fighting, especially when there is blood involved. If not, tell me why Tom Yum Goong is so popular despite it being a Thai movie? So if you are looking to relive the feeling of seeing power-packed fighting on screen, go catch 龙虎门.
I guess i should stop going out and stay at home. Spending more time with my family is important and at the same time recharge my battery so that i will enter Hellweek refreshed and none of my body parts giving any problems. Hope my thighs and knees can take it and not suffer any injuries...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:12 PM