Saturday, July 08, 2006
[Note: This post is supposed to be published on 28th May(or 27th or 29) but blogger ran into some problem and refused to publish this post for me and before i knew it, my computer's motherboard crash and the power box... So i have to send my poor computer for repairs and oh my goodness! It took 1 month to restore my computer to its original state. So, sorry guys for not updating. Lots of things have happened during the 1 month and as much as i wanted to share with you guys, i can't. So don't worry, this blog is still up and running and i will still be around whinning and complaining...]
Finally back to civilisation... haha. Had my field camp for the last five days and it really make you appreciate the things you have. For five days,
I slept in a tent that is only knee-length high,
Slept on both soil and cement ground,
Endure coldness in the middle of the night,
Powder bath myself every night,
No water to shower or wash my teeth or my face,
Put on camo cream everyday.
Furthermore, i also had to
Prone myself on soil, hard and soft, most of the time during training,
Leopard crawl on mud, soil and cement ground full of small rocks,
Endure bites from ants.
But in short, it was rather fun. The five days was a breakaway from civilisation, having no contact with the outside world and all you see everyday are trees and all sort of vegetation. Besides, the combat ration, although a bit little in quantity, was not bad. Throughout the camp, there are ups and downs but hey, we endured through it. Although we had little sleep(partly due to the terrain) and had to do sentry duty, it is a whole new learning experience whereby a little mistake by the sentry could cause his buddies to be in deep shit.
Anyway, i am happy it is over. No more sleeping in the jungle and definitely no need to hold my shit for five days anymore... hahaha.
Oh ya, i just watched X-Men 3. Nice show, a good conclusion to the trilogy, although it pale in comparison to the previous 2 instalments. The actions are not as exciting as last time, the plot is a little difficult to apprehend but it become clear in the later part of the show and somehow the show seems to end a bit abruptly. But overall it is still quite good.

Finally, Beast is included in the show. Was wondering why left him out previously. He is a rather important character in the comic/cartoon series and i am glad the show does him justice this time. Juggernaut was also included. It was fun to see him too, especially with that idiotic helmet of his which he said make him look more handsome. Haha. Quite happy with the cast of the show as the people included are those we the fans are familiar with. It is always nice to see familiar faces ya? Haha.
Oh, sometimes, movies do try to send out messages. This one is no exception. The messages i roughly get is that we should not discriminate the minority and instead should respect their rights and freedom. And if you are a member of the minority and the chance come for you to join the majority, will you stay true to yourself and celebrate your differences or simply blend into the majority? These are just some of the messages the movie is sending and really, one question just float in my mind. Will i take a firm stand in what i believe in even if my views are different from the majority?
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:46 PM