Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Da Vinci Code...
Just watched The Da Vinci Code.

Fantastic story with a complex plot that can rival Lord Of The Rings and interesting enough to engage you throughout the show. But ultimately, the plot is simply imaginery. To me, the whole story consists of a lot of facts put together in a sequence invented by Dan Brown. That is all.
I must admit the story is damn fascinating and engage the mind tightly. A simple message left by a dead person can lead to a BIG secret about Jesus is nothing but... cool. The story is trying to convince us that churchs over the world is preaching something that was modified some 2000 years ago, which literally means that the churchs is lying to everyone. Than it support this theory with a lot of facts, with real people and real objects being named, like Sir Issac Newton or the Last Supper painting. I have no doubts over most of the facts being mentioned but some are simply plain bullshit and it is rather obvious.
One example is that in the Last Supper painting, one of the person in the painting is Jesus's wife. Wow. I didn't know the idea of gay originated from Jesus. (To all Christians, no offence here). I mean, Jesus don't have a female disciple. Okay, maybe he has. But she is definitely not featured in the Last Supper painting ya? So it is obviously bullshit right?
Than the other one is about a Pope presiding over a Knight's funeral. In the story it was revealed that the Pope is Alexandar Pope and the Knight is Sir Issac Newton itself. But to my fullest knowledge, i never knew that two Popes can coexist. Futhermore, Sir Newton funeral was not presided by a Pope.
However, if we don't don't debate about the plot, there are certain things in the movie which i like a lot. I like the part where they mention about knights. Anything about knights never fail to fascinate me. Than the movie show you excellent scenary of churchs and its fantasic architecture. Again, european-style architecture never fail to amaze me too. That is why i say it is a great movie. =p
There are other things which sounds real but once you check out historic records, you know it is plain bullshit. My conclusion is that The Da Vinci Code is a great movie, just like any other blockbuster. However, it is really up to you whether you want to view it as a movie that feed you with facts or simply another movie that is for entertainment sake. I would choose the latter. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:48 PM
Signs you have been through NDU DVS...
This is adopted from a fellow batch mate's blog. It is so damn true. Really. Especially point 5 to 7.
A bit modified...
Telling signs that you're from the 26th batch of recruits in dive school (DVS)
1) To you, Neo is not the saviour from Matrix but a s-f. (Ask me when you see me. =))
2) You prefer not to rely on the extensive set of conjunctions available to the english dictionary, but instead just say "You fucking ah..."
3) You prefer to call people by initials or nicknames (eg MS Tan, ZZ Chua(sleepy Chua), XX Wang) to a point you forget the person's real name.
4) You don't seem to realise swimming trunks are not underpants.
5) Your favourite word to use on others is "Drop".
6) Your favourite phrases you use are "Don't test the fucking system", "The hammer will drop", "I will hammer you", "Suck it up", "Fire up guys".
7) You always expect the word "Drop" to come from the instructors whenever they are around.
8) Snake powder has other function other than cleaning or drying yourself. Oh ya, we are also researching other ways to use the Kiwi too.
9) You love to imitate your instructors(some are indeed more popular)
10) Toilets are not called toilets. They are called heads.
11) You look forward to meals on thursday because there is either ice-cream or pudding to go along with the meal.
12) No one likes to wear long 4 anymore as wearing it means Boat PT and Chow Run.
13) You will always remember "The chicken is... ROTTEN!" and "Standing Broad Jump in position, reaDY!".
14) Every morning you would hear "Level 4, muster now!"
The list will go on and on. Haha. I will add in at a later time.
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:29 PM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I am back!... for a while...
Yes, today is Wednesday. Yes, i am at home typing this post. No i didn't AWOL.
Than what the fuck am i doing at home right now right? Okay, i am home because i am back to collect some civilian clothes cause there is a excursion to somewhere organised by the camp and we are supposed to wear civilian clothes. So here i am at home packing my bag and typing this post at the same time. Haha.
Funny feeling to be back cause right now, i should be at my bunk doing some static PT. Yes, physical is damn important over at NDU. But hey, i would prefer staying at home anytime to staying in camp. =)
And yes, home is sweet. Haha
Oh ya, before i end, i clocked 9mins 39 secs for my 2.4km run today. Woohoo! 25 secs off and it will be diver's gold standard. Now to just pack my bag...
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:55 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Was planning to update... but due to my lazy attitude, i put it aside, put it aside and yesh, now i finally managed to force myself to update.
Well, maybe force was too strong a word. Let change it to convince. =)
Anyway, no updates from camp. Still doing the same old stuff. But i am glad everyone got a long weekend. Due to our lack of discipline, we screw up lots of times. Luckily, we sort of redeem ourself when we won the cheering competition over at RSN 35th track and Field meet. But than again, if you were there, you would know why we won cause... basically there is no competition to begin with. Only we, the cheerleaders representing NDU and HQ RSN combined are cheering. People from the other units are basically there are spectators. Oh, just to add, NDU and HQ RSN are overall champions. =)
Shall end here. Actually have more to write but... have to start preparing to book in le. Shall update next week. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:04 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
This week is a rather slack week as i spent most of the time out of camp. No, not that i get to book out but rather my time is spent at other camps. I rested at home on Monday, had SOC on tuesday after which was a test on the tactical handling of M16. Wednesday had some PT in the morning but the afternoon was spent on some other stuff which literally means slacking. Thursday and Friday was spent at Pasir Laba Camp, home to SISPEC(School of Infantry SPECialists) for range. Than due to elections, everyone got to book out on friday night. However, this don't look good. If this week is rather slack, it means that next week will be rather tough...
Anyway, spent today over at Orchard. Nothing much changed, save for some shops. Whole day was spent on window shopping. Wanted to catch Mission Impossible III but due to some reasons didn't managed to catch it. Nevermind, shall catch it next weekend. The highlight of the trip was dinner at a turkish restaurant. The food is rather nice, especially the meat that was cooked turkish-style. Will visit it again if i pass by Far East Plaza. =)
Oh, on the way home i was surprised to see Dean from Campus Superstar in the same cabin of the MRT train as me. She remain unchanged from her competition days, still the same hairstyle and still wearing pants. She was with 3 of her friends and they were busy snapping themselves away with their cameras throughout the whole journey. I forgot where she got on the train but she got off at the same station as me. I was too engrossed with my comic book until the flashlight from their cameras attract me. At first i didn't take particular notice until i heard people around me whispering "Dean". When i look up, i was really surprised to see Dean in the flesh and not in any picture. But sadly, i wasn't a supporter of Campus Superstar so yah, i didn't rush over to get her autograph or took any picture with her. Haha.
(Note: The following paragraph may be offensive to Dean's fans and it is strictly my personal views. No harm is intended to anyone who is directly or indirectly involved in the following paragraph.)
I finally understand why the whole world label Dean as a tomboy. The way she dress, her hairstyle and the way she conduct herself is simply typical of a tomboy. But it is okay to me as tomboys are not a uncommon scene. Throughout your life, you definitely will have friends who are tomboys or sissy. But what shocks me is that Dean is not only a tomboy, she is also a... lesbian. She HAS a GIRLFRIEND. Throughout the whole journey, she was very intimate with her girlfriend and hugs are very common. Their actions are typical of any heterosexual couple you would see on the streets but this is the first time i saw the actions coming from a truely lesbian couple and one of them is a public figure. But than again, her sexual orientation don't bother me. Haha. Celebrities are also human and they have their own private life, their personal perferences and choices. Moreover, her girlfriend is quite pretty too. =)
On a side note, she is the third celebrity that i see off-screen doing things we normal people do. First is Derrick Ho who hangs out at zouk with friends, second is Felicia Chin spending her little rest time at Starbucks reading and third is Dean who also hangs out with her girlfriend plus her other friends.
Oh, while typing this post, the TV was broadcasting the results of the General Elections 2006. As usual, PAP won, although the margin is smaller this time. Everything remain the same, with Hougang and Potong Pasir still in the hands of the opposition. 84 seats, 82 PAP, 1 WP, 1 SDA. Not surprised though but glad to see that the opposition is gaining more votes. Hope to see some more opposition members in the Parliament after the next General Elections. I personally felt quite sad for Steve Chia who is contesting in Choa Chu Kang. Can see that he is really working hard and putting in his utmost effort but sadly, CCK voters still prefer someone who come from a party they can entrust their future on. Oh well, when the nation's and oneself's future is at stake, who dare to make risks?
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:52 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
That is not true!
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:35 PM
On a high now...
Today is Monday and here i am, slouching in front of my computer at 0028. All thanks to the Labour Day holiday. If not, i will be sleeping like a log in my cabin over at my camp. Um, maybe sleeping like a log can be revised. Haha.
However now i am voiceless, literally. Just back from a K-session at Bishan. Pressed the self-destruct button on my voice-box by singing all those high-pitch songs like Kiss Goodbye and 枫 without using 假音. If i don't recover my voice by monday, i don't know how tuesday will be like in camp.
No complaints though. Had so much fun over at the K-session that if you ask me for another K-session i will gladly go, with or without my voice. It is always fun to have K-sessions with friends where everyone can get high easily and make the whole session so enjoyable. No matter what song is being played, everyone can simply burst out laughing.
But right now, i only have one word to describe myself.
Yesterday i was out for the whole day, stepping out of the house at 6.45am and reaching home at 12.15am today. Furthermore, i only had 6 hours of sleep prior to this. It is a miracle that i can still sit here and type this post. Besides, due to extra training, i completed 6.4km of run today, all within a short period of 3 hours.
So right now, i am going to take a nice hot bath, get ready my bed and...
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:29 AM