Saturday, March 18, 2006
Planned to write a long essay but decided to cut it short. =)
I am sure you guys know the most famous vulgarity on this world is
FUCK right? It is a universal word and you can hear it anywhere, be it in Singapore or New York.
However, some people just love doing FREE advertisement for French Connection UK. Sometimes in IRC or MSN Messenger, people tend to type FCUK and not FUCK and this is definitely not a case of typo error. They just want to spell FUCK as FCUK.
I for one don't understand why. Why must these people do free advertisement for French Connection UK? To me, if i wanted to scold people using the F word, i simply type FUCK and make no mistakes about it. I don't like typing FCUK and doing free advertisement for a brand i know i won't even go near, not to mention buying its products.
So to all, if you ever want to use the F word, be proud of it. Simply type FUCK and not beat around the bush typing FCUK. Why let French Connection UK get free publicity?
Oh, one last thing, to all the people who use FCUK, if you don't know that FCUK stands for French Connection UK, you guys are pathetic. Doing free publicity for a brand you don't even know... haha, what a joke.
link | Kaiz scribble at 12:59 AM