Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Aargh! Oh no! This can't be true! I don't believe it! Why!? Why!? I don't want! Get off me! NOOOOO~!
Um, don't worry, i am not kidnapped or being abused and definitely not being raped. I am just trying to shake off the anxiety feeling i have this few days.
GCE "A" Level results will be released on March 1st!!!Shit. I don't know what to expect. Will i cry? Will i really take sleeping pills? Will i really book a first class ticket to KL to jump down from the twin tower? Will i laugh like a mad man? Will i just jump in joy? Will i walk out of my school hall a happy man or a man on the brink of death?
Oh ya! Before i end, i would like the following to take place at my funeral. I want a really grand funeral. I want it to be held at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza so many people can come to pay their last respect. I don't need politicians to come but i expect all my relatives, whether close or distant to come. The wake should be 7 days and i expect all of my friends to come too. My funeral ceremony should be of my religion one and i want Lee Teng and Wei Xiong of Superhost to come to host my funeral ceremony. I also want the top 4 finalists of Project Superstar to come and sing my funeral songs. I especially want Kelly to sing 爱,无力 and Jun Yang to sing Guardian Angel/借口. Lastly, my ashes should be sent to Japan and buried over at Taiseikiji.
To my religion friends, i expect 塔婆 to be erected on the 7th and 49th day of my death and subsequently on the 1st year, 3rd year, 7th year and 21st year and of course not forgetting both the 彼岸会 held annunally. Everytime you guys go for tozan you should also visit my grave and 顺便扫墓.
With that, i will RIP. =)
P/S: My demands very simple hor? Can la huh.
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:07 AM