Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I got an addiction and i am pretty sure i am not going to kick it.
I hereby announce that i am addicted to blogging.
So does that mean anything? Nope. Just to make an announcement. Haha
Before i continue, refering to the post on Jan 17th, i decided to turn down that promoter job. No particular reason.
Anyway, my niece came over today. Been some time since i last saw my niece and i miss her. She is getting prettier and
maybe a little naughtier. In any case, my niece and nephew has made peace and are getting along fine,
i presume.
Remember that time i was considering whether to use flickr for hosting my pictures? After some consideration, i decided to... use it. Haha. It is rather good and quite easy to use. Anyway, as my post's title suggest, here are some pictures that took a bit of luck to take. Enjoy!

This is my mum with her grandchildren. Isn't this a sweet picture? Haha.

My nephew Zhi Chao and niece Si En. Aren't they cute? Everyone say with me, "So cute!"

Look out! The future Miss Singapore!

I want food!
Will post more next time. Haha. Can't really take their pictures as they are soooo hyper-active. Did i tell you that they are also very menacing too?
Woohoo! Tomorrow is my pay day. But after paying for my Thailand trip, some debts and my guitar course, i am left with...
Oh no, how am i suppose to survive on this for next month? Hmmm, let see, bread for one month, walk to MRT station everytime i go out, buy less things...
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:13 PM