Sunday, January 22, 2006
Just back from a dinner at Surf and Turf at Suntec City with Kang Wei, Wei Chuan and Wei Jie.(Just realised that all three of them had "Wei" in their name. Haha). Our initial plan was to give Ee May-who was woking there-a surprise visit. However, what we didn't know is that she knock off at 6pm and we arrive there at 8pm after our LAN session. Oh what luck. Since we are there, we might as well settle our dinner there. However, Surf and Turf is not your normal food centre. Which means, the prices are rather
nice and there is this service charge thing. So we were like thinking should we? Oh heck! At most wash plates lor...
According to Ee May, they have a promotion which states that if you order dishes which is a combination of steak/chicken and seafood, you get 40% off. Woopi! I ordered steak(medium-rare) with salmon. It was quite nice and rather yummy. To let you guys in a secret, this is the first time i have to decide how my steak should be. When i was young, i don't need to worry whether my steak is well-done or medium or whatever. But today, i have to make
that decision. I was thinking of medium but the words medium-rare came out. But it was a good choice. Kang Wei and Wei Jie want their steaks to be medium and after trying out, i think i will stick with medium rare. Maybe i should try rare or well-done next time. Hmmm...
Enough about my dinner. My stomach is now working over-time to settle that steak and salmon. Oh no! The amount of fats and carbohydrates i consume today... Next time if you ever see me, do not do not comment about my figure or you risk having your body floating down Singapore River...
Yesterday, i went to attend the
心情溶剂 8th National Chinese Song Writing Competition 2006 at D'Marquee at Downtown East. The guest-of-honour was Mr Chan Soo Sen, Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Education. The guest performer was Yida 黄义达.

Um, it was a nice show and really, you can't help but be impressed by the performers. 10 songs were sung and each have different 曲风。Some of them are okay but there at least 4 which i felt could just be published straight away. I am no reviewer so i can't really express in words about yesterday's show. But my feelings is that i have just attended a wonderful concert and it is heart-warming to see so many musical talents in Singapore. The atmosphere was great, the sound system was better than
some concert held not too long ago and really, it was a wonderful night and i am glad to be there and not anywhere else. The songs... although the singers may not be as good as those professionals but they have this 感动度 which you could feel that they are really putting their heart into the song.
One interesting thing to note was that 2 songs was written under exams stress. The composers shared that their song was composed during the exams period which they feel very stressed and turned to song composing to relax. Wah! Win le lor... exams period still can compose song. 有天份就是有天份。Another thing was that one female contestant won three awards, including being 2nd out of the top 10 finalists, making her the biggest winner. The main point is not the number of awards she won but her name She is called 王乐温. I was reminded of 2 other music composers who are quite famous among the music scene. Both have the same name and it is called 张乐声. It seems like talented music composers have the word 乐 in their name. Maybe i should change my name too.
Hi, 大家好! 我叫卓乐凯!
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:12 PM