Thursday, November 29, 2007
Finally i can let out a sigh of relief.
2 things which have been bothering me since the start of this month have been solved today. Woo...
In addition, i am officially expelled from the Student Division. Lee Mei don't want me la... haha
Youth Division side, no news yet from my brother...
So i am currently a free man, a normal believer with no appointments. Woo... i like that...
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:55 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
- Jay Chou, 不能说的秘密.
link | Kaiz scribble at 2:27 PM
Today is the last day of my leave and i really, sincerely, hopefully hope that tomorrow never comes.
Yeah right. Try asking the sun to rise from the north, or was it west?Anyway! Leave over means going back to camp. Not really looking forward to it though. But the thought that i will ORD in like 10+ weeks time keep me going. Oh yeah~
Felt like a parent over the past week. My terrorist-in-the-making nephew is around and i had to bring him to school, fetch him back, feed him, change his clothes(i fiercely reject changing his diapers), coax him to sleep and a whole list of things only mothers know. Wah piang. Now i understand how tough and how big a sacrifice stay-home mums made to look after their kids. Woo... the greatness of mums.
For now, taking the chance that the terrorist-in-the-making nephew is asleep, let me enjoy some peace, however short-lived it may be and let Jay Chou's latest album be my background music...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:39 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Someone, anyone! Just save me!
I am now hooked on Jay Chou's 不能说的秘密 and i have set it to repeat mode, meaning i am listening to it every single moment.
Oh no...
link | Kaiz scribble at 10:21 PM
Woohoo! This week i am on leave. No more waking up at 5 am! Sleep until next day also can! Haha.
Nahz, not going to waste all the time on sleeping. My body won't allow that. I guess it is time for me to start packing my stuff, which are everywhere. It is also time for me to start making plans for next year. Let me see... excluding this week, i am left with 11 more weeks before i ORD and resume my civilian status. Woo... time really flies when you don't think too much about it. It seems like just not too long ago i was enlisted into NDU and now, i am making post-ORD plans.
Like my peers, i am going to study after NS. But i will be taking a totally different, not to mention expensive, path from them. While most of them will be rushing for lessons in NUS or NTU, i will be doing the same thing at MDIS instead. Yes, this coming february, on 18th Feb 08, exactly 12 days after i ORD, I will begin a new life as a student. Can't tell you how exciting yet nerve-wrecking it is at the thought of starting school again.
You may ask why i choose to study at a private uni instead of NUS or NTU. To be honest, brutually honest, my grades cannot make it. But! Luckily, my grades are still not bad enough for me to take on degree courses outside. At this point in time, i don't whether i will lose out by not taking the convention path and i guess only time will tell. Right now, I just want to prepare myself for the transition from a serviceman to a student.
Life have been rather carefree these days. Just the best time to slack and make plans for the future. Other than camp stuff, i don't really have anything to weigh me down. PC activites have become a routine for me so it isn't a big deal while Cultural rehearsals have not start for my department. Hee. =) Going out depends on my wallet and right now, it is kind of empty ya know? Haha
But having too much free time is not necessary a good thing. Gosh, i feel like i am wasting my life away with every passing second. I need to engage in something, anything, to make me feel that my life is meaningful. Although i can always take up a course or something but! Laziness has triumphed again and again. Damn.
link | Kaiz scribble at 4:15 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Jay Chou World Tour 2008
From this moment, all my 3 meals will consist of bread, bread and more bread.
Alternative will be instant noodles, whichever is cheaper.
Reason for this extreme action is simply because i just took my bank account on a kamikaze ride.
Buy what?
This lor.

In case you can't make out what the
super complicated and cheem poster is saying, it simply means Jay Chou World Tour 2008.
Wah! Seeing Jay Chou in the flesh. How exciting!
Managed to get tixs before it sold out within 4 hours. Even more exciting.
Hearing Jay Chou sing 安静,晴天,枫,退后,夜的第七章,不能说的秘密 etc live. The highest level of excitement.
Living on bread everyday. Simply priceless.
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:41 PM