Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My 200th post.
Gosh, imagine the amount of crap/junk i had produced. Haha
Anyway, today is Halloween! Wee!
Not that it concerns me a lot but for the first time, i managed to experience Halloween first hand. Woo.
Nah, i didn't fly, walk, swim or dive to the States.
Siao ar?In Singapore, we have Little India. But few people are aware that we have Little America too.
Yes, cause in Woodlands there is this area where there are a lot of bungalows. Most of the bungalows are occupied by American expats partly because Singapore American School is located among its midst. So, i call that area Little America.
My 2nd Aunt's son live there too. So, on Halloween i visited his house and took a walk around Little America. Wah, the feeling is very different and
shiok man. Most of the bungalows are specially decorated with the Halloween theme in mind and the owner would set up a table in front of his/her house, putting lots and lots of sweet on it. Everywhere on the streets you can see kids in different costumes - most of them choose to be witches or ghosts but there are a few really outrageous ones that i don't know how to describe - walking around, going from house to house asking trick or treat. Wah, the feeling is like you have step into a typical neighbourhood in US celebrating Halloween. Cool.

Maybe i might visit Little America next year, as a Chinese vampire. You know, that kind with a charm on the forehead and jumping around with hands outstretched. Ya. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:45 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Today, 301007, something special and wonderful happened.
Right now, I just want to bask in the wonderful wake of that "something".
If i am in the mood, i might just tell you. If not, well... um... we see how ba. Hee. =)
Song on repeat mode - Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows.
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:39 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I think the only thing i will miss about my camp after i ORD is the camp's dive pool.
It is a squarish pool, 25m by 25m (I think) and it has 4 different depths, starting with 1m at one end, drop all the way down to 10m, climbing up to 6m three quarters down the length of the pool before ending off with 4m at the other end.
An unique pool created specially to train divers. Hee.
And a place for everyone to have a good workout, to take a dip when the sun is not being very nice or simply to have great fun.
Because it has various depths, because the main group of people using it are divers, we can't resist holding our breath and go down to 4m, 6m and even 10m. I can't explain why we just love doing that, dunking ourself down all the way to the bottom. Maybe it is the surreal surrounding at the bottom that attracts us, the state where there is no sound and where you are at extreme harmony with the surrounding, be it for that few seconds. Or simply maybe it is just diver's second nature.
I never dare to venture down to 10m. There is this hidden fear which i can't overcome and i am very pleased to just touch the pool tiles at 6m. =)
For now, i am content to take a dip once in a while, do some laps or just simply sink myself down to 4m or 6m and enjoy the peaceful surrounding down there. =)

And yes, the picture is taken when i am 4m under the water level.
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:12 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Tired... Very
I just survived 3 days with only 11 hours of sleep added together. Wow.
Let see...
I slept at 12 plus and woke up at 5 on friday morning, slept at 3.30 and woke up at 5.30 on sat morning, slept at 1 and woke up at 4 plus this morning.
Woo... the after-effect of being a Hellweeker. =)
Weekend was spent at East Coast Park. Apparently,
FINA(think of it as swimming equivalent of FIFA) is holding the tenth race of the 2007 FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup in Singapore and well, i was there as safety cover. Wah, big saikung but it was fun checking out the babes. Haha.
Oh ya, the swimmers taking part in the World Cup are nothing but the best swimmers i have ever seen. For 10km, they maintain a pace so fast you thought they are competing in 100m freestyle instead. Furthermore, they swam non-stop in the sea under the hot sun for nearly 2 hours. Their endurance is something to respect.
Now what i want is have a good, long bath, a nice massage and good quality sleep. =)
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:36 PM