Monday, July 23, 2007
Hermione, or should i say Emma Watson?
Fans of Harry Potter are not new to her, watching her grow from a cute young little lass to a confident and beautiful lady. I am not using the word teen here as lady would be a better word.

Everyone loves her. To most guys, she is just the ideal girlfriend. She is not hot, she is beautiful. She is the one you can bring home to show Mum and the one you can bring to big occasions or parties and boy, you will be the talk of the town if you ever become her boyfriend.

And when she smile at you like this, you will just melt.

Oh man, she is just the most attractive actress i have ever seen...
link | Kaiz scribble at 6:34 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Hooray! No more course for me! Haha.
Due to some reasons here and there and which i am not interested in, i not going for the course liao! Hooya!
I don't mind going actually. I mean, you get to learn something new! Furthermore, it is a new set and i will be breathing oxygen mixed with helium. Sounds cool.
But! It is still better to carry out the monotonous routine at work everyday than be on course. At least, i have more freedom and lesser restrictions.
Anyway, caught Harry Potter 5 recently. (Lazy to type out the full name lah.)

Good show. Definitely. I would not say it is the best among the 5 but it has done well in portraying the dark feeling. Many of my friends who have watched the show said that it is definitely darker than the previous 4. I agree too.
Characters wise, still the same i guess. Other than looking more mature and bigger (compare them to the first installment), there isn't really much difference. Emma Watson look more pretty than before and Katie still look out of place.
Let us hope that Harry Potter 6 is as equally enjoying as Harry Potter 5, if not better.
Oh, don't know why but there are so many Kenshu nowadays. June got one. July got another one. Aug got two, one in Spore and another in Malaysia and Sept got one. 5 Kenshus within 4 months. Wow.
link | Kaiz scribble at 11:17 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Should i? Or should i not?
Some donkey time ago, i considered shifting my blog to Wordpress cause it look SOOOO much better than Blogger. The features and the overall appearance look very attractive and many users have claimed that it is more user-friendly than Blogger.
Luckily for Blogger, due to my sheer laziness, i dropped the idea.
Troublesome to shift la...
But now, as more and more people abandon Blogger for Wordpress, the motivation to shift is getting stronger and stronger.
Hmmm... i guess... see how ba. Haha.
Troublesome la...
link | Kaiz scribble at 5:52 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sianz is all i can say now.
23th July onwards till don't know when, i will be on course... again.
Just when i thought after Class 2 and SSDC, there would be no more courses for me and i will be enjoying my days till ORD, my superior dropped a bomb on me. He just submitted my name to go for another diving course held within the unit.
Oh no... there goes my 8 to 5 days, canteen breaks, 2 hours of lunch break and not adding the fact that there will be some restrictions imposed on me.
Furthermore, now i don't know whether i can help out in the Junior Student Kenshu...
Wow... life can soooo unpredictable...
link | Kaiz scribble at 7:22 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Haiz... i miss school... seriously.
I am very very very (to the power of infinity + 1) bored with NS. I want to be like my other friends, going to school, attending classes, rushing for homework and projects, hang out with classmates at the canteen, bitch and whine about that particular teacher whose agenda is to torture students, have a secret crush on that cute girl from the class next door, rushing to attend CCA after school, reach home to a nice home-cooked meal, trying to shut off Mum's endless nagging while trying to convince myself that homework is endless so i can spend the night talking rubbish over MSN or playing games without a sense of guilt and after all these, lie down on my bed and repeat the whole thing again next day.
Wow. Now you understand why i say being a student is fun right?
Oh i can't wait till the day i ORD man...
7 looooong months to go...
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:39 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
My life is in standstill mode now. Everyday is just like the previous one, strictly following a routine with no excitement. No wonder people say serving NS will dull people. Look! I am a living example.
But at least i had a good weekend. Hey, i caught Transformers okay! Haha.

Fantastic show. From the power-packed actions down to the defined features of Optimus Primus, everything is simple excellent. What more can you ask for? When the vehicles transform, it makes me feel like a kid again, remembering those days where you would plant yourself in front of the TV every saturday morning watching cartoons and Transformers was one of them. Wow.
Now i would really like to own a yellow Lamborghini,

or a cool yellow Chevrolet, just like Bumble Bee.
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:49 PM