Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Woohoo! My course is finally over! No more stay in! Book out everyday! 8 to 5! Yeah!
And oh ya, i have a big and sudden urge to travel to Japan...
Someone finance me please. Donations line(s) are now open. Any amount starting from $10 will do.
link | Kaiz scribble at 8:29 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
No no i am not going... Not so lucky to be selected.
You see, in my current unit, to go Taiwan or overseas, you have to volunteer yourself and hope you are selected. And we don't go there by plane. We hop on to the vessel going and literally slack all the way throughout the trip. Maybe some diving here and there to check the ship for any major problems.
Really envy those going cause a lot of my batch mates are going too. Haiz. Oh well. Can only pray to be selected for the next sailing trip and hopefully the place will be nice.
Talking about Taiwan, no one can deny it is the capital of Mandarin Pop Music. Every year, numerous singers are produced and the competition gets tougher and tougher. Recently, boyband Fahrenheit is fast gaining popularity, partly due to their involvment in a drama serial,
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, or 花樣少年少女, which also stars Ella from SHE. One can't help but be reminded of Meteor Garden, starring F4 and Barbie Hsu.

Both group are similar in ways more than one.
1) Both are boyband with 4 members
2) Both are involved in a drama serial which boost their popularity
3) Both drama serials have only one female lead
But! Bands, be it boy or girl, never last long. Lots of band have sprung up but how many have survived elimination? Let us see how long Fahrenheit can last, though i personally wish they can last as long as their senior, SHE...

This picture...
link | Kaiz scribble at 1:08 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Lazy is all i can say for not updating.
Ya la, excuses.
Oh well...
Anyway, i am now attending course which require me to stay in camp and not book out everyday. So ya, i won't be as free as i was 2 weeks ago.
Caught 300 recently.

Bloody violent but bloody good. Should catch it man.
Was involved in the Singapore Biathlon 2007 recently.

Wah lao! Big saikung. Had to set up the place, help out during the race and had to keep the equipment after that. Not only that, Saturday was burned and i was burned too, literally. Friends who saw me recently can testify my claims of me being a roasted pig, ready to be served. Haha. Although i got a nice tan, my back is burning and hanging anything over my shoulders or wearing a bag or even a pat hurts. Just hope the tan can last long and my back can recover soon. Can't imgaine carrying cylinders.
Oh, the first bunch of 27th Batch of Combat Diver trainees is here. Woohoo! Finally the attention of NDU has been shifted from us to them. Can't wait to see them in Hellweek. Haha
link | Kaiz scribble at 9:55 AM